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REFRESH! There are 5306 unanswered questions (93.1516 answered)
9 hours later…
6 hours later…
The "Newest Questions" page looks strange to me today. Is it just me? Other SE sites look strange as well, but I don't see any main Meta post about it.
Instead of seeing user names who asked the question, I see user names of those who answered/modified.
1 hour later…
@toolic It looks normal to me. I'm using FireFox on Ubuntu 22.04.
@pacmaninbw: Thanks for the reply. Maybe it's just me. I see it on different browsers and different devices.
I also checked it out on Chrome. The Ubuntu is on a 15 inch laptop screen, I never use a phone for stack exchange.
I don't have my 17 inch Windows 10 computer with me.
I don't use a phone either. I see it on a desktop and a laptop, both connected to large monitors.
@toolic What looks different?
What OS?
@pacmaninbw: As I said, the user names listed for each question.
@toolic Okay, I see a difference now, normally on the new questions page the only user listed is the OP, now it is showing the same information as the Home link in a different format.
Yes, it seems like a bad hybrid between actual new questions and recent activity.
I just asked in the Teachers Lounge if there were any network changes I don't have a response yet.
I think SE constantly make 'minor' changes without informing people. I think to do with a modernization (reducing the infinite WET) effort. But I'm not too tuned in with whatever the company does too much any more. All I know is the site keeps getting worse.
@Peilonrayz Change is always worse for people used to doing things the old way.
Nah things like making the site not work with Dark Reader.
Haven't tried the site in enhanced visual mode, even though all my editors are dark for my eyesite.
Q: Median of two sorted arrays in Python

CrSb0001Problem Statement (Source: Leetcode Problem 4: Median of Two Sorted Arrays [Hard])(Topics: [Array] [Binary Search] [Divide and Conquer]) Given two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively, return the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall time complexity should be O(log(m...

Ahhh, another broken change :/
Q: Value-level proofs of type-level mebership and subset relations in Haskell

ShapeOfMatterAs part of a larger project, we're using type-level strings to identify "parties" (synonymously, "locations"). Critical to the system is the ability to express and enforce constraints like "In order to call f @"Alice" x, "Alice" must be a member of such-n-such type level list." Note that "Alice" ...

Looks fine here.
It lists the questions by newest, but shows the most recent activity on it.
@Mast: Yes the top 2 currently look fine, but not the third: "answered"
@toolic That's not wrong.
That third question was still third newest.
@Mast: It is different from how it has been in a long time.
6th on the list is currently an edit from a little over half an hour ago.
Still 6th newest.
It's not sorted by activity, it just shows the most recent activity on the sorted list.
Yes, it is the 3rd newest, but it always used to show who asked, not who modified/answered.
@Mast toolic is correct it normally lists the OP, not the person that answered or edited the question.
Could be, but the current situation is not wrong.
I've answered another zombie, it should probably been closed as CNI.
Q: My content on Code Review was used by some YouTubers to make bad videos, what can I do about it?

Ξένη ΓήινοςI don't know if it is on topic here, but it does involve this website. In fact this is only possible because this website exists, but the Stack Exchange network is not at fault. So a little information about me, I was born on April 10, 1999 and I am non-binary, liberal, woke, anti-traditionalist ...

1 hour later…

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