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REFRESH! There are 5759 unanswered questions (92.5924 answered)
5 hours later…
For code reviews, there's the Code Review SE. But please read about their posting rules first. — Some programmer dude 40 secs ago
2 hours later…
Consider maping a posting on codereview.stackexchange.com where you explain what you want to achieve and how your current solution works. I believe that could give a deeper insight into the matter. — Ulrich Eckhardt 17 secs ago
Code Review is for reviewing code. This is off topic on Stack Overflow. — Cow 41 secs ago
However, even in your results, the difference is less than 200 nanoseconds, which usually isn't a problem since your function is much more expensive in practice. i.e., you don't care about the difference between 10,000 nanoseconds and 10,200 nanoseconds. The only case where this might be a problem is if you are repeatedly calling a cheap function, although in that case it is probably more effective to improve the caller side. If this applies to you, I recommend posting a new question (maybe CodeReview is better in this case). — ken 51 secs ago
Q: Implementation of arrays that store their size

yurichIn this code I implemented arrays that store their own size before the first element. To access it you need to go back exactly sizeof(size_t) bytes back. To free it, you free the pointer to this position. Did I do anything wrong about pointer manipulation? I'm not really experienced in C. #include <

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