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4:07 AM
2 hours later…
6:16 AM
Q: RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.ChannelAllocationException: The connection cannot support any more channels. Consider creating a new connection

AjayI am facing ChannelAllocationException exception on dev environment, code works fine in local environment with one connection & one channel but not able to replicate the issue in local environment. Looks like its crossing limit of 2047 channels per connection as exception says but what can be rea...

5 hours later…
11:05 AM
As per How to Ask and the on-topic guidance we require a minimal reproducible example of your scenario within the question itself, not in external links (which may change or disappear over time). But in any case, we don't review working code here, we deal with problems in code. There is a Code Review stackexchange site, you can check their guidance about whether your question would be better suited there. — ADyson 9 secs ago
2 hours later…
12:41 PM
2 hours later…
2:52 PM
It seems to me this question is more suited to be asked in the Code Review Forum. Code Review is a question and answer site for peer programmer code reviews. Please read the relevant guidance related to how to properly ask questions on this site before posting your question. — itprorh66 6 secs ago
3:20 PM
@Duga it is nice to see you again
@Duga Yay!!!
3:56 PM
If your code runs without error and produces the correct result then you'll get better feedback on performance, style, technique if you repost your question over at the Code Review StackExchange. — Woodford 55 secs ago
Q: What's the fastest way to get "postcodes" for thousands of coordinates (latitudes & longitudes) in Python?

Buchi I have a dataset that contains 750,000 rows. I want to query each row and get the postcodes using the latitudes and longitudes. Problem: The code is executing very fast when I query like 100 rows, and it takes like 10min to query 1000 rows. But, when I try to query like 10,000 rows, it takes hou...

4:45 PM
Q: My iterative FFT is slower than my recursive FFT

Gio FormichellaI've implemented in Python a recursive FFT function and an iterative one. They're both correct (they both pass all unit tests) but, when I plot the complexity curves, I find that the iterative version is slower than the recursive one (the curves are both O(n lg(n)) but the iterative one is shifte...

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