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12:15 AM
REFRESH! There are 6112 unanswered questions (92.1450 answered)
Q: Tetris C++ Troubles with memory leaks | code provided

Llama LuminaryMemory Loss in My Tetris Game 😓 Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to C++ and this is my first post on Code Review, so I really appreciate any help all of you can provide. I've been working on a Tetris game and ran into a frustrating issue with memory loss. The game starts off fine – blocks fall, rota...

4 hours later…
4:32 AM
5:19 AM
3 hours later…
8:24 AM
Q: Javascript reactivitity through Signals implementation (inspired by tc39 proposal)

enzoaicardiI've created my own implementation of signals in typescript, inspired by the proposed tc39 specification (https://github.com/tc39/proposal-signals) in the BOM. I don't have anyone around me who can do a code review, so I decided to post this here. The source code consists of two small files avai...

6 hours later…
2:21 PM
2:49 PM
Q: A search function that searches for a contact inside a vector

HusenPatelI have this function to search for a specific contact inside a contact management program. I want to know the following: Is returning the contact object as a pointer(std::uniqu_ptr<Contact>) a good Idea or is it more optimized to return the index of the contact and then print with that index. Se...

1 hour later…
3:49 PM
4:42 PM
Q: imgaussfilt Template Function Implementation for Image in C++

JimmyHuThis is a follow-up question for im2double and im2uint8 Functions Implementation for Image in C++, conv2 Template Function Implementation for Image in C++ and An Updated Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++. I am trying to implement imgaussfilt template f...

2 hours later…
6:33 PM
7:16 PM
Q: Fast API endpoints handlers

Alejo VilloresI'm not so experienced at developing Fast API apps. As I program in different languages, I often get confused as how things are done in a python way. I have this piece of code and I would like to know if this is the correct way to handle endpoints in fastapi. I'm more used to program in an object...

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