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REFRESH! There are 6108 unanswered questions (92.1497 answered)
4 hours later…
Q: Feature-subset-selection using autoencoder

user366312The following listing performs feature-subset-selection (not feature extraction) using an autoencoder. My aim is to select the best features from the 1000+ available features in the given dataset. I am not sure if this script is performing feature subset selection and not feature extraction. Pl...

possible answer invalidation by user366312 on question by user366312: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292969/revisions
possible answer invalidation by user366312 on question by user366312: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292969/revisions
possible answer invalidation by user366312 on question by user366312: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292969/revisions
possible answer invalidation by user366312 on question by user366312: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292969/revisions
3 hours later…
Q: Shrinkable Swing toolbar

SergeyI was tasked with implementing a toolbar that can be shrinked beyond what's necessary to display its buttons' texts. As a last resort, the buttons should hide their texts and only display their icons Here's how I did it The first "phase" is buttons stacking themselves If the toolbar is shrunk fu...

1 hour later…
@YuuChan if the code works, and you just want to improve it, then you should ask on CodeReview instead. — Remy Lebeau 42 secs ago
Yes, but your code-behind is incomplete. It's also interesting how you show/hide the Popup as this could also impact the behavior of your code. I need all relevant code in order to review it properly. It's not about your calculations. However, thanks for understanding that a code review is only possible when all related code is shown and the code itself is able to build. — BionicCode 57 secs ago
Q: Presence of UB and memory usage of a std::array initialization: version with temporary array on heap

OerstedI proposed several techniques to answer to https://stackoverflow.com/q/78672409/21691539. A classical way to answer would be to use std::index_sequence-based solution but op had two constraints: it should work with a non default-constructible type it should work for large std::array sizes, large...

i know this is a big ask, but do you do code reviews? — gill bates 27 secs ago
@gillbates: For code reviews, visit Code Reviewtoolic 24 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Speed up searching for the lowest element that is not in the array

Szyszka947I try to solve this question: B. Informatics in MAC at Codeforces To solve it, I think I need to calculate the prefix and suffix array of MEX. I made observation that making only 1 subsegment will give good answer. We are required to make at least 2, but we know that MEX of every segment must be...

Q: Make CheckoutForm jsx shorter

AndrianI have developed a CheckoutForm component in React using Material-UI and React Hook Form for validation. The form includes various input fields such as name, email, address, postal code, and credit card details. I'm using InputMask for some inputs and have several OutlinedInput components. I wond...

2 hours later…
That's btw a simplified demo of this real task, where the array solution Reinderien took 516 ms and the list solution with_accumulate took 581 ms. (more analysis) — no comment 11 secs ago
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Seeking feedback for "Design Meeting Scheduler"

lokesh bihaniRepository Link: https://github.com/lbihani9/low-level-design/tree/master/MeetingScheduler Problem Statement: The goal is to design a meeting scheduler that allows users to schedule, cancel, and view meetings. The system should handle multiple users and manage their availability to avoid conflict...

1 hour later…
possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
2 hours later…
Q: BIO 2023 Q3: Dreaming Spires (BFS in C)

sbottingotaI was practicing question 3a of the British Informatics Olympiad 2023 past paper. In the Tower of Oxford game there are four pegs and four balls (numbered 1, 2, 3, 4) which can be stacked on the pegs. Each peg has a height of four, i.e. it can support a stack of all four balls. We will denote a ...

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