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REFRESH! There are 6108 unanswered questions (92.1493 answered)
9 hours later…
I’m voting to close this question because this seems opinion based and more suitable for codereview.stackexchange.comuser12002570 50 secs ago
5 hours later…
This is not the site for code review of actually working code. — aled 16 secs ago
Q: GUI Interface for a command line program in C# Windows Forms

blipblapI am brand new to C# and this is my first time making a GUI. The program is pretty simple, since I don't have too much knowledge of GHDL. All it does is take the file paths, and generate relevant command prompt commands to then run and display the output of the command prompt to a textbox on the ...

possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
I haven't voted on this question however I recommend to either narrow the question and post it as new or use the code review site in the link. — aled 15 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Sabi on question by Sabi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292877/revisions
@Duga Commented and rolled back
3 hours later…
Q: Simple Stack and Deque implementation

vanserghI implemented a single-linked and double-linked lists (like stack and deque). I would like to receive your feedback on improving the code or maybe some comments. I'm learning C++ for the third month (don't scold me too much). I will be glad to receive criticism. (sorry for google translate) https...

2 hours later…
Q: First `.bat` script to update a `git` branch

josevilleupdate-branch.bat is my first batch script. Its current behavior is update-branch updates the current branch update-branch foo updates branch foo Please review my first script for the below. Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks! Style Should I lowercase commands? (e.g. SET, DO)? Should I lowerc...

Q: Unity 2D Platformer that saves your past positions and replays them as a "Ghost"

MrVI have been trying to get better at C# and Unity. As my first programming language and game engine, there are still a lot of things I do not yet understand. I know the basics of both, but I don't know how to use the knowledge I have to create things. I know the basics of C# syntax, the 4 pillars ...

also check out codereview.stackexchange.com for code reviews for working code — qwr 17 secs ago
1 hour later…
The new function will work, but what makes it "better"? Do consider what happens if srv.ListenAndServe() returns an error (i.e. playground). Please try to ask a single question; if you are looking for a code review then please try here. — Brits 24 secs ago
i know this is a big ask, but do you do code reviews? — gill bates 27 secs ago

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