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REFRESH! There are 6135 unanswered questions (92.1087 answered)
1 hour later…
Q: Dependency Injection - Actix Web - Rust

xzeckI want to know how would I go about architecting an MVC architecture using actix-web I have a user_service which requires user_repository and this is how I'm currently doing it: let config = Data::new(config.clone()); let mongo_repo = Data::new(MongoRepo::init(&config).await); let user_reposito...

BTW, I don't know the rules on this, but IMHO it's better to ask questions of this kind on CodeReview — Basil Peace 32 secs ago
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
Note, codereview.stackexchange is for working code that is seeking improvements — flackoverstow 22 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Optimization of React Product Page component

AndrianI was working on Product Page with its nested children. On the page we can see a specific product data, add item to the cart and set quantity which we want to add. The codebase is nasty as I only finished, but at least seems everything is working properly, so I'm looking for potential improvement...

Q: simple calendar in java, beginner so any style, organizational, methodology...etc tips would be appreciated

KanagawaPunkI set out trying to use as many methods as possible in order to use them in future projects, but i dont feel like i did a great job in regards to that. also i wanted to use as many basic java concepts as possible but i also dont feel i used all that many. any ideas for features i could add that w...

1 hour later…
codereview.stackexchange.com - if you want a code review. Otherwise, the question about "the right way of 2 object accessing each other methods" is too broad. Also your case seems very simple, so my opinion would be: Motor (with e.g. setSpeed(double) method), Display (e.g. with display(std::string) method), and Controller (get user input, make a decision, update peripherals, return output) should do the job. — pptaszni 34 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Multithreading with devices in Python: possible pitfalls

AccidentalTaylorExpansionI'm new to threading in Python. I want to use it to speed up taking images on my lab computer. I have the following dummy code: #%% import threading import logging import time import numpy as np camera_lock = threading.Lock() file_lock = threading.Lock() class Camera: def __init__(self, sh...

2 hours later…
Q: Powershell - Trying to streamline a Get-Service Command

RKillcrazyThis is part of a larger script but, I feel like this part could be streamlined a bit. The code currently works but I feel like doing a Get-Process call twice is inefficient. Am I wrong? # Variables: $ServiceNames = @("HealthTLService","ThreatLockerService") # Stop & disable some services - if...

Just a few notes: Your code has undefined behaviour: while(1){}. Then, the code isn't a minimal reproducible example and the output is missing. Lastly, once you get this working, consider submitting your code to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Ulrich Eckhardt 59 secs ago
Q: My alignment at the sides of the first flexbox row and the second flexbox row are different

JamesI went on this website called Front end mentor and I tried to recreate this challenge: https://www.frontendmentor.io/challenges/social-proof-section-6e0qTv_bA. This is my code: https://github.com/software-engineer2/social-proof-section. This is the url to my Github Pages: https://software-enginee...

4 hours later…
Q: Achieving a consistent API when one function needs to mutate the pointer address

Kyohei KanekoI'm writing a hash map data structure using an object-oriented approach, where "methods" are functions which take the struct type as the first param and are responsible for mutating the data. This works well in the majority of functions, but growing the map has thrown a spanner in the works becau...

1 hour later…
Q: Pythonic way method overload for one function accepting the same parameter with different type of data

helloworldI am trying to write a machine learning class for xgboost training. A basic structure of this xgboost class is : # class base defined API that all other algorithm should implement class xgboost(base): def __init__(self, param): def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight, X_validate, y_validate, sa...

Note that this is not what Stackoverflow is for. If you have working code and just want code review, as mentioned above, post to the code review website (after making sure you've read their rules, too of course). — Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans 40 secs ago

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