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REFRESH! There are 6517 unanswered questions (91.5986 answered)
"If you have any improvements, let me know" - that is not what this site is meant for. Wee answer questions about coding. If the code works and you just want to improve it, you should ask on CodeReview instead. — Remy Lebeau 26 secs ago
This option only enforces that a note from a field "Code Reviewer" is populated with text in TFS, it does not enforce that a code review has been associated/requested, and then passed before the submission completes ( I just tried it with TFS 2017) — CJBS 29 secs ago
@JeremyThompson Completely agree. My comment is regarding the assertion that this approach blocks code reviews, which it doesn't (it only enforces a comment). — CJBS 8 secs ago
Q: Convert a dataset into two columns, first column containing sample number and second column containing corresponding value from dataset

Tom MMFor python notebook, I've written the code: import numpy as np data = pd.read_csv("Dataset.csv.txt", header=None, names=["small-scale fading (dB)"]) data['Samples'] = range(len(data)) # Use len(data) to get the number of rows formatted_data = data[['Samples', 'small-scale fading (dB)']] print(...

4 hours later…
3 hours later…
Q: One-layer linear neural network to solve a regression problem in PyTorch

francescoriccardocrescenziGood morning everyone, I am trying to figure out how deep learning works. My approach is mainly theoretical but I have decided to code a few deep learning projects to get a better feel of the kind of work involved. Most courses and textbooks out there recommend that your first project as an aspir...

Q: Choosing Between Field Injections and Constructor Injections for Modular Java Applications with Spring Boot

Kerem TazedalI'm six months into a Java training program and have developed a Spring Boot application, adhering to Java's separation of concerns principle. I've organized my application with distinct sections for data logic, input data, and business logic. Now, I'm seeking guidance specifically on the choice ...

2 hours later…
Q: Generic stack implementation

HarithThe provided code (a header-only library inspired by stb libraries] defines functions for creating a stack, pushing elements onto the stack, popping elements from the stack, peeking at the top element without removing it, checking if the stack is full or empty, getting the size of the stack, and ...

Q: [Web Api][Controllers] Is there a pattern to follow for the following approach?

YiannrI am working in a Web Api project that has the following project structure: Root Controllers Orchestrators Managers Services etc The Controllers depend on Orchestrators. The Orchestrators depend on Managers. The Managers depend on Services. The Services are making calls to ex...

Q: MySQL search query: is my query efficient enough?

dev-chiccoMy database structure is: assets - id (int) - name (text) - stock (int) booking: - id (int) - asset_id (int) Refers to the assets table - quantity (int) How many assets are planned in this timeframe - start (datetime) - end (datetime) I need...

1 hour later…
Soliciting opinions (e.g. around "best practices" or suggestions for code review) is off topic. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/296542/… For this reason there are other stacks like Code Review and Software Engineering where this would be appropriate — possum 33 secs ago
Q: Coding a chatapp in C++

Cherestes RaduI'm coding a chat application from scratch in modern C++. I'm currently building an interface for interacting with sockets. I want it to be cross platform. Am I approaching platform independence correctly? Also is my error handling acceptable? Please tell me what is wrong and what should I improv...

2 hours later…
What do you mean by "At Amazon most code reviews require not one reviewer, sometimes 2". Do you mean that most code reviews require one reviewer? — hb20007 42 secs ago
Thank you for all the comments. I realise I need to take a step back on this. I have posted on the Code Review. Will continue this thread here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/290817/…William Andersson 41 secs ago
Q: Understanding how to properly create a stored procedure that only does INSERT from sourcetable to targettable with dynamic sql

WilliamBackground and use-case I need to create a stored procedure where the input parameters will be: @sourceTable, @targetTable, @compositeKey. I'm using available fields for the composite key, since I need to create myself what makes the row unique. Also, I want to use this procedure on other tables ...

1 hour later…
This feels like something that would be better solved with Pandas, or if you have the compute available, spark. At any rate, it might be best to take this over to codereview.stackexchange.com/help/on-topicJNevill 24 secs ago
Q: How to apply SOLID or CLEAN CODE to this very simple challenge

Mauricio Gracia GutierrezI have been asked to implement this but to apply SOLID and CLEAN CODE approach. /* Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and fiv...

1 hour later…
This is not a focused enough question for SO. Please see the help center. Consider posting on codereview.stackexchange.com. — isherwood just now
So, you just asked the same question instead of taking this to stackexchange.codereview.com? Do you think it's going to be a different group of people that invest time in watching the python tag on a Friday to help folks out? You couldn't even be bothered to properly format the question like others took the time to do the last time you posted this? — JNevill 41 secs ago
There's no functionality to to understand. Folks in the comments asked you to update the question with more information and also suggested that codereview.stackexchange.com would likely be a better site to handle rewriting your working code. Instead of taking any of that advice to move forward you posted the same question again, not even taking into account the edits that were made to your question to make it more readable. It's an interesting question once you parse through the code to understand what it's doing. codereview folks will be helpful, likely. — JNevill 19 secs ago
Q: React draggable sliding panel

JimmyI'm building a sliding bottom panel as a React component, adapting Phuoc Nguyen's excellent draggable element tutorial. It currently looks like this: The expected behavior is: User taps on button to open panel Panel slides from the bottom up to fill about 90% of the viewport User can then drag ...

Q: Should I Break Up My C# Connection Function In Two, To Adhere To The Single Responsibility Principle?

BeeFriedmanI am writing a C# Database connection class and I am trying to adhere to best practices and produce clean code. In the CreateAndOpenDatabaseConnection function below I am instantiating the connection object and opening the connection. Is this a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SR...

Q: Should the SqlConnection Be a Class Field or Should I Pass It In and Out Of Functions As Needed?

BeeFriedmanI am writing a C# Database connection class and I am trying to adhere to best practices and produce clean code. In the CreateAndOpenDatabaseConnection function below I am instantiating the connection object and opening the connection and in the CreateSqlCommand function I am instantiating the com...

3 hours later…
Q: Making a tokenizer more readable in nim

code writer 3000I wrote a tokenizer but it's not very readable. How can I make it more readable? import std/os import std/streams import std/deques var strm = newFileStream(paramStr(1), fmRead) var stack = initDeque[string]() var arr = newSeq[string]() proc startEnclosure(token: string) {.discardable.} = ech...

Q: Checking to see if the current time is close to 9PM

TaylorI want to check if the current time is "close" to 9pm UTC. I have the following code to a.) get "now" and convert it to UTC time and b.) get 9pm utc time. Based off when I run it, it looks like it's running. However, I usually use scripting languages, and this looks absolutely crazy to me. I don...


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