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REFRESH! There are 7051 unanswered questions (90.8772 answered)
6 hours later…
Q: Performance of this BCrypt lossless compressor

OliverThe following code compresses a 60-byte BCrypt MCF into 40 bytes. Does anyone see room for performance or other optimizations? Thank you! import com.google.common.escape.ArrayBasedUnicodeEscaper; import com.google.common.escape.UnicodeEscaper; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays;...

3 hours later…
Q: C - Function pointer casting

andylvuaIn my project, I have the following functions, which perform I/O operations on buffer using read/write system calls: int wrbuf(int fd, const char *buffer, ssize_t size) { ssize_t written_total = 0, written_now; while (written_total < size) { if ((written_now = write(fd, buffer + w...

Q: Rust rocket file upload endpoint

ksjdfhI'm currently learning rust and need a rocket file upload enpoint for a project. This is what i currently have: It needs to get the file, convert it and add a entry with the file name and timestamp to a database. #[post("/upload?<auth>", data = "<file>")] pub async fn upload( conf...

2 hours later…
Q: Add offset to all filenames

Tobias321I would like to get a review from you guys. From all the files in a directory, the method shiftFilenamesOffset is to increment the numeric part (int) of the alphanumeric filename by offset each time, and rename the files. A negative offset is also allowed. Example: offset: -2 Old filename: ...

2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: General setup for ASP.net REST webapi

Bas VisscherI am currently building a REST webapi. Right now I am wondering if this design is in the right direction. Firstly, I am using entity framework. I like to call the items in the database DbItems. The items returned by the api are called DtoItems. Just to keep them apart in this example. Mapping I u...

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Welcome to Stack Overflow! Before you post at Code Review, be sure to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users, as some things are done differently over there - e.g. question titles should simply say what the code is for, as the question is always, "How can I improve this?". Be sure that the code works correctly; include your unit tests if possible. You'll likely get some suggestions on making it more efficient, easier to read, and better tested. — Toby Speight 25 secs ago
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Before you post at Code Review, be sure to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users, as some things are done differently over there - e.g. question titles should simply say what the code is for, as the question is always, "How can I improve this?". Be sure that the code works correctly; include your unit tests if possible. You'll likely get some suggestions on making it more efficient, easier to read, and better tested. — Toby Speight 27 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Simplify OO design for template classes with generics

user3239193I have a use case of template design pattern with generics as mentioned below. I have AbstractVerificationHandler that provides template for verification business logic which is used by different domain verification handlers e.g UserVerifier depending on the db type and file type POJOs. Can the b...

2 hours later…
Q: Custom React Hook For Using Web Socket

muellI am aware that there are packages containing custom React hooks for web sockets, but since I am learning React I tried to create my own. My intention was to create a custom hook that connects to my web socket server and keeps this connection open during the lifecycle of the component, and that e...

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