« first day (514 days earlier)      last day (3493 days later) » 

12:00 AM
@outoftime How old are you? (out of curiosity)
If you care to share
For what it's worth, I grew up in South Africa, where there are now 11 OFFICIAL languages, though I only learned 2 (and English is my first). But, I have some experience with many language speakers who are not English-as-first.
> South African Official languages: Afrikaans, English, Zulu, Xhosa, Swati, Tswana, Southern Sotho, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Venda, Ndebele
@syb0rg I'm ill. (:
not cold, but old ;-)
This one hit the reopen queue. Voted to delete.
Q: Specific combinations with numbers 1 to 63 ,set 7 (63*63/7=567)

driton bytyqiHello I'm a student and I need this type of combinations to write in java or just notepad but I don't know how to do...I know how to make fullcombinations of everynumber...but I want this kind : Range 1 to 63 ,every number from 1 to 63 will be inputed 63 times...1 X63,2 X63, n...63 X63. Those num...

@RubberDuck Ditto
12:04 AM
Stackoverflow Gold C++ badge #2
Code Review Gold C++ badge #1
I guess that makes CR a good site ;-)
Well, I'm living in Ukraine, we have 1 official language, 1 unofficial and 2 most popular foreign: english and german.
I was wondering when you described the B2 level English, I thought that was more a German system.
I think a lot of people here are bilingual
Hello @200_success, nice question!
(not counting programming languages as languages, sorry)
12:06 AM
It was fun writing it.
@Phrancis English, Spanish, small bit of Italian, and whatever my rob0t side has access too
Hablo un poco Español.
Okay, that's honestly about it. The rest of it is completely inappropriate.
@Phrancis most of them
French, English
English & Afrikaans.... though the Afrikaans helps me understand a bit of Dutch, and a lot of Flemish.
I can sort of follow a Zulu conversation too.... but.... need help.
12:08 AM
And I hang out here to remind myself that I'm not as smart as I think I am. =)
You're not as smart as you think you are..... but, for a RubberDuck, you're amazing!
Nah. A good rubber duck doesn't need to say a word.
Right, Dinner time.
Q: Elasticsearch save comments and submissions from Reddit

kyle kI wrote a script to save comments and submissions from Reddit using Elasticsearch Is there any way to improve the speed of inserting new items into Elasticsearch? import praw import sys from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch subreddit_queue_file = "subreddit_queue.txt" def pop_task(): ta...

Question to older married folk.... How best not to get murdered during a specific, recurring time period, when she is in a bad mood?
12:17 AM
@Phrancis Try to hug her! If she attacks, throw her chocolate and retreat to a corner.
(hope she didn't hear me)
What @syb0rg said @Phrancis.
Just keep your head down brother. Don't make yourself a target...
Who is familar with coffeescript and angular?
Yeah I think I'll just keep quiet for now. Also, it feels I stumbled onto the dark side of the internet... (don't click).
12:26 AM
It says so, can't you read instructions? ;-)
Q: Make View Code DRY

inigoI've got this code in my View that just list two type of links. Here's an examle output e.g Nounal Pages cleaners/house-cleaners Verbal Pages cleaning/house-cleaning Here's the view code. How could this be refactored to remove duplicate and push logic and loops out of the view? %h3...

@outoftime your English really isn't bad at all, TBH. I made a few edits on your palindrome answer, pretty minor stuff.
Welcome to the 2nd monitor by the way @outoftime.
IMO English grammar is a mess, it makes very little sense. Kind of like PHP.
12:37 AM
What the difference between monitors?
"Celebratory fireworks animation" is in the hot network questions list!
@outoftime it's just the name of our chatroom :)
Well, the 1st monitor is where you do actual work, and the 2nd monitor is where you clumsily click any other tab to make it look like you are working using both.
^^ that
12:43 AM
It's too hard to star on mobile. I smell a .
you can only mobile-star an already-starred post
I know. And it's crap.
Normalizing Invoices is also on the hot list @Mat.
saw that :)
Show some cross-network love... this answer is quite good:
A: rebuild on clustered index, why does datasize shrink?

David SpillettWhen a table has a clustered index, the index is the table data (otherwise you have a heap type table). A rebuild of the clustered index (any index in fact, but the space wouldn't be counted as "data" for a non-clustered index) will result in partially used pages being merged into a more full for...

maybe I should create an account over there
12:54 AM
6 hours ago, by Phrancis
TBH I think your question would be great for DBA, they would probably pick up on things none of us would
Nice Q&A.
1:09 AM
and they didn't even close it...
if that isn't "unclear what you're asking", ..what is?
Q: Memory leak from for loop reading large file

Michael ShamashI am using this code to go through a file (.txt) with over 200000 lines (each line being an entry in the array wayptContentLines) but yet when I run it with the condition i < [wayptContentLines count] (being 200000 or so) the app uses more and more memory until it eventually crashes with out of m...

Q: "Lingo" - Imporving code

DibaSHI'm writing a program for a game called "Lingo". Here's my code: def lingo(): guesslst = [] word = list("tiger") while guesslst != word: new = [] guess = raw_input("Enter word: ") gues...

tag badge in 49 minutes :)
@captain "imporving" code?
1:14 AM
A: Select data from one table with id from another

PhrancisIf this is not trolling (which, it looks like it is), how about something more like: SELECT COUNT users.id FROM users INNER JOIN online ON online.ID = users.ID WHERE users.id = 'myuser';

wait, you can SELECT COUNT in ? isn't it COUNT(*)?
no parenthesis .... @Phrancis? Count (....)
Alright, if I repmax with an accept today, I hit 40K ;-)
Good catch, fixed :)
@Jamal you just undid my <!-- language: none -->
1:20 AM
Weird. When I checked the edit again, it was still there.
looks like a bug though.. quote block overrides language formatting?
I don't think so, as I do it quite often.
Q: Simple Cellular Automata (think Conway's Game of Life) simulator, with an odd bug

ViggyNashFirstly, let me say that this code works, as posted. It fills a 10x10 grid with a random color (black/white) then runs a cellular automata simulation on the grid, starting or pausing when the button is pressed. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; impor...

^^^ works but does not work.... hmmmm how to deal?
Q: Simple Cellular Automata (think Conway's Game of Life) simulator, with an odd bug

ViggyNashFirstly, let me say that this code works, as posted. It fills a 10x10 grid with a random color (black/white) then runs a cellular automata simulation on the grid, starting or pausing when the button is pressed. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; impor...

1:27 AM
> But there's a bug.
Welcome to CR! Do you expect your code to work with a non-square grid? — Mat's Mug 8 secs ago
No-win question?
I'm going a sleep, good night to all.
Time to smoke an underscore tobacco. Good night @outoftime
Welcome to CR! Do you expect your code to work with a non-square grid? We can help you make your code better, but if a customizable grid is a feature and it's broken, that puts your question on the fence... I would fix the bug first, and get the code peer reviewed after :) — Mat's Mug 3 mins ago
1:34 AM
@outoftime bye!
Surimi + Sriracha = WOW.
1:51 AM
@RubberDuck writing unit tests for the logging API... I'm adding Initialize and Cleanup methods to the TestEngine class - I want the test engine to detect if the test class has an Initialize method, and run that before each test - and then same for Cleanup, run that after each test..
I added an UnregisterAll method to the LogManager
because the class is static, it can cause problems with unit tests that need to be independent of each other, so I want to UnregisterAll before and after each test :)
this doensn't feel like writing VBA at all!
Public Sub TestCannotRegisterLoggerTwice()
On Error GoTo ExpectedError

    Dim logger As ILogger
    Set logger = DebugLogger.Create("TestLogger", TraceLevel)

    LogManager.Register logger
    LogManager.Register logger

    Assert.Fail "Expected error was not raised."

    Exit Sub

    Assert.AreEqual LogManagerError.DuplicateLoggerError, Err.Number
    Resume CleanExit
End Sub
2:07 AM
What do you guys think? Pushed it onto the right side of the fence?
nice edit, and comment
@Mat, that looks like some early version of VB.Net.
doesn't it? :)
but it gets better! I'm implementing a MockLogger!
Nice. I have much coding and reviewing to do. Wedding is kinda messing that up right now.
It's kinda hard to focus atm. I need to fix that stupid meta-programming class.
it's ok. I'll bounty my zombies before they get too dusty :)
2:21 AM
Yeah. That's ok. A big nasty bug sitting in my code base isn't.
that VBE code?
Yeah. I've just not decided how to deal with it yet.
where's my tag badge?
Isn't a graduation announcement enough for a day? =;)-
yeah, that's quite something!
2:26 AM
Yes it is. Y'all did an amazing job resurrecting this site.
Ughhh. I do not want to post on SO. I won't get an answer I like there. Not unless vba4all happens upon it.
Wow, Santa.... I sense a serial upvote reversal in my future ;-)
What a crappy something episode .... (removed spoiler).
@rolfl might happen, wasn't me
I mean, I don't really want to parse the whole file in the CodeModule class. It shouldn't need to know jack about parsing. That's the procedure's job...
2:39 AM
> There is a known issue with IsSignature. It will sometimes (rarely, but sometimes) return false positives when it runs across a line like this.

Private Const NotInitializedErrorMessage As String = "Collection Property Not Set"
A fix is in the works, but it would also violate encapsulation of the procedures, so I'm hoping to gain some insight into my perceived encapsulation issue before tackling that problem.
If you guys think it's off topic I'll take it back down. codereview.stackexchange.com/q/63815/41243
have you tried a regex?
@Mat'sMug I spent half a day trying to get one to work. I can match the keywords everytime. It's getting them to not match that's the problem.
2:58 AM
@maaartinus I actually thought about fixing it myself. My thinking (and I may be wrong), is that the fix will be quickly applied, and reviews can focus on the (numerous) other reviewable aspects of the code. In one sense, the bug is minor, in another sense, removing the bug clears the way for much better reviews. I am happy to discuss it further in The 2nd Monitorrolfl ♦ 1 min ago
good call.
@rofl. Can I get a mod's opinion on that up there? ^^^
@RubberDuck why not explicitly exclude declaration keywords? no signature will contain " Const " or " Dim "
@Mat'sMug I'm still left with Private to deal with, but yeah. I'm feeling a bit dumb at the moment. Thanks.
That was more or less the plan I was brewing.
fix with the easy way, let CR figure out the pretty way ;)
3:08 AM
@RubberDuck Looking now
Private MyVariable As Whatever wouldn't be valid at method scope
@RubberDuck That is a complicated question.... and honestly, I am not exactly sure what you are asking.
you are asking for review on partially complete code, with the expectation that fixing the know issue will not affect the encapsulation.... or will affect the encapsulation.
@rolfl Is it off topic with the bug. That's all I'm asking. I know it's borderline.
Being in VB does not help.....
Typically, in situations like this, I leave it to the domain experts to sort it out.... the VB folk... ;)
@RubberDuck I'd delete, quick-fix and undelete. BTDT ;)
3:15 AM
You want the reviewers to focus on the the things that are important... if you're going to fix the bug, do that, then return with working code... my suggestion too.
Also, the first part is mostly irrelevant.... trim it down?
Yay: You've earned the "algorithm" tag badge.
Okay. I'll do that. Thanks guys.
@Mat'sMug ^
Nice ;-)
You guys have worked hard at making that possible... congratulations!
Thank you.
So, ethical question .... ;-) If I merge and I get another silver tag badge .....
3:23 AM
but performance and optimization are two distinct things!
Technically, I can probably get silver for both of them just by editing a few questions.... ;-) and retagging.
better ;)
hi @maaartinus
I basically got generalist badge by retagging (appropriately tagging)
Hey @maaartinus - welcome.
Q: Python like "property" in Perl

LinuxGuru-WannabeI am fairly new to perl and I was wondering if there is a way to simulate python's property decorator in perl? After googling I have came across accessors and attributes but accessors are just providing getters/setters and I didn't find good documentation for attributes. All I want is to have a v...

3:26 AM
@rolfl @rolfl You're right that getting rid of the bug would make it clearer. However, it's really trivial and not worth delaying the CR. I guess, fixing t yourself is a good idea.
@CaptainObvious Really off topic.
@rolfl Hi! I'm pretty new here... and about to leave soon.
I am not sure if it is appropriate for me to fix it.
@RubberDuck I had the log levels as Trace, Debug, Info, etc.. but Debug is reserved :(
I presume you have a review ready to go, and can't because it is closed?
3:27 AM
@RubberDuck Hi!
@Mat'sMug d'oh!
I hadn't thought of that.
@rolfl I guess, it would be OK if you did it. It's a trivialchange and you could point the OP to the edit history.
OK, I'll make the fixes... and open it up again...
It will require changes to the text as well.
give me ... 2 minutes.
@rolfl No review ready... and not thinking about any today, as my bed is calling me.
btw @RubberDuck I wrote the unit tests:
Q: LogManager Tests

Mat's MugI should have started with this code. I wrote my logging API without writing unit tests, and since I recently wrote an automagic unit testing API I though I might as well go ahead and use it. So I wrote a MockLogger implementation of the ILogger interface, still with a default instance (like all...

and it turns out what you just recommended... is now implemented :)
and that's 4 questions in 24 hours, now 65% Socratic :)
3:30 AM
I have corrected the bug. This is not a typical thing to happen, and a meta discussion may be in order. — rolfl ♦ 10 secs ago
@maaartinus ^^^^
@rolfl No need to hurry... not because of me. I'm quite sure, editing it is a good thing, but I'm not exactly the strictest rule follower. ;)
I need to edit things to keep up with @Jamal.... ;-)
Q: LogManager Tests

Mat's MugI should have started with this code. I wrote my logging API without writing unit tests, and since I recently wrote an automagic unit testing API I though I might as well go ahead and use it. So I wrote a MockLogger implementation of the ILogger interface, still with a default instance (like all...

@captain late - was about time!
@rolfl really?
anyway TTGTB
@rolfl I had a short look at it... typical all-in-one code. The possible optimizations are fun, but there are so many of them... I'd better leave now. Have fun!
3:36 AM
Rumor has it that Jamal is the most prolific editor on SE.
Good to see you here @maaartinus (drat, 3 a's).
@maaartinus come back anytime!
This is where the cool kids are ;-)
(was that an uncool thing to say?)
^^ you know you're getting old when...
I just checked, Jamal, is not the most prolific editor by a long shot.
well on CR, he is... by a long shot :)
3:40 AM
true ... he is.
and the SO editors have more crap to edit, too
or do we not edit enough?
(as a community I mean)
As a community, no, we do not... we rely on Jamal to get there first ;-)
but, as it happens, things are improving.
I should put together an SEDE..... would be useful
yep. we're graduating! ...can't believe it.
Well, that means fewer editors ;-)
and moderator elections!
3:43 AM
There's a number of things I am half-expecting to happen.
Huge influx of new users?
That's one thing I'm predicting will happen
For a start, I expect there to be a change in user behaviour as people realize there's an election on the horizon....
Then, I expect there to be lots more answers, and voting, as people realize they will be losing privileges.
users are going to game stats to qualify?
yeah.. and that's a good thing
We probably have to plan ahead for how to deal with the influx of users too.... and questions, and migrations, etc.
I expect that Code Review will be added as a target for user-triggered migrations from SO.
That could be interesting.
yep. long-standing request, that is.
3:46 AM
There have been a lot of migrations to CR, more than other sites as a target.
meta will be pretty active these next couple of months
I expect so.... and we shoudl do some clean-ups too... probably.
also formalize some of the not-yet-set-in-concrete policies from beta.
so much to do.. time to sleep.
On Error GoTo Bed
yup, me too, actually, been a great day, thanks everyone.
and it happened on a Monday. now we can't say Mondays suck anymore.
3:49 AM
I'm with y'all. Good night!
@rolfl cough
Q: Scissors, Paper, Rock in Python

SheepyThe game works, but I was wondering if anyone could help me with better structure for the code, simplification, or just any other improvements. from random import randrange # assigns the amount of turns and starts the program def Main(): print "~A game of Scissors, Paper, Rock!~" glob...

1 hour later…
5:10 AM
Q: Delimiter-matching using Stack in Java

Arun PrakashIs this code okay? import java.util.Stack; public class DelimiterMatching { public static void main(String[] args) { final String input = "[(A+B)]"; delimiterCheck(input); } public static void delimiterCheck(String input) { if (input.length() == 0) { ...

5:38 AM
Q: Optimizing code using semaphore to control Netty channel pool - Part 2

Abhinav DwivediPlease have a look at my original question: Optimizing code using semaphore to control Netty channel pool I have made some changes as pointed out by @rolfl The new code is as follows. Is this better? Can i remove the synchronization blocks with some other methodology? public enum Client{ I...

6:04 AM
monking @all
Monking @chillworld
Monking @ all
6:26 AM
monking @Heslacher
6:41 AM
Monking @skiwi
So uh... today is not like the others!
7:03 AM
Monking @all
@skiwi I saw yesterday ;)
Monking @Vogel612
Q: Is there a way to cut-off using "div" elements in my design?

tesicgIs there a way to cut-off using "div" elements in my design or it is good enough? I use Boostrap CSS library. 1) CSS: body { border: 3px solid black; min-width: 1800px; } #search_box { border: 3px solid red; background-color: white; color: black; text-align: left; m...

lol... "You earned the enthusiast badge"
thanks SO ....
I'd say known memory leaks are considered broken code, right?
Q: Memory leak from for loop reading large file

Michael ShamashI am using this code to go through a file (.txt) with over 200000 lines (each line being an entry in the array wayptContentLines) but yet when I run it with the condition i < [wayptContentLines count] (being 200000 or so) the app uses more and more memory until it eventually crashes with out of m...

7:23 AM
in mine oppinion to
better asking in SO
@Vogel612 voted
8:14 AM
Monking @Christoph
8:28 AM
Q: Unfortunately app has been stopped

user5409809-30 14:15:19.518: D/AndroidRuntime(336): Shutting down VM 09-30 14:15:19.528: W/dalvikvm(336): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015560) 09-30 14:15:19.538: E/AndroidRuntime(336): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-30 14:15:19.538: E/AndroidRuntime(336): java.lang.RuntimeExcep...

burn it
Q: Unfortunately app has been stopped

user5409809-30 14:15:19.518: D/AndroidRuntime(336): Shutting down VM 09-30 14:15:19.528: W/dalvikvm(336): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015560) 09-30 14:15:19.538: E/AndroidRuntime(336): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-30 14:15:19.538: E/AndroidRuntime(336): java.lang.RuntimeExcep...

@CaptainObvious That's... wow.
8:55 AM
Q: Function as decorator in Guava

KoziołekI need to add logger into my flow based on FluentIterabel from Guava library. I have lot of functions and in some cases I would like add logging when in other (for the same function) not. Of course natural solution for this problem is to use decorator pattern not an ifology. I created something...

9:07 AM
How to get bronze badge?
Hi all!
@outoftime which?? usually it's written on the badge though..
@Heslacher ty
when where how why
Q: Code Review Graduation

rolflI am pleased to announce that effective from September 22, Code Review has graduated! It has taken a bit of time for this announcement to filter through the red tape, so, today was the day we found out. Let's use this as a place to discuss, celebrate, and otherwise commiserate. Notes: Code Rev...

9:14 AM
9:26 AM
Hmm... do I lose any important privileges... only protection questions (meh), mod tools (hmmh) and tag wiki edit approval (meh)... Nope.
9:38 AM
Q: Is this possible to do with functions using Python?

Shea A.def YourName(name): print("Hello %!" % name) When I type 'YourName' it calls on the function but it doesn't say "Hello (name)" Also, how would I go about having the user assign the value (name)? Sorry I am very new to Python (started teaching myself last night) but I figure this is the be...

Q: Optimize query with sql server

user2350469I have the following query .its execution took 15 min .It is too much slowly . Is there a way to optimize it ? Query SELECT Id,Fees,WeekOfMonth,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), StartDate, 103) AS StartDate,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), EndDate, 103) AS EndDate,'Temp Fees ' AS FeesName ...

9:48 AM
Hello everyone :)
Hello @Morwenn
Monking @Morwenn and welcome to the new graduated CR
WTF? Did we really graduate? o__O
The sacrifice of my computer was not in vain!
Q: Is there a more readable way to write this add to a list only if the element not exists? (perfectionistic)

ReviousTake a timer in your hands, then have a look to the following code. What is it doing? I took 52 seconds to realize more or less what it does.. It compares a list called categories with an actual element. If it already exist in the list it takes it and stores to the category variable. Otherwise it...

Yeah, my computer is dead: my motherboard is dead, my hard drive is dead, and the mouse is probably dead too. That was probably the price to pay for CR to graduate.
9:54 AM
@Morwenn did you pour [insert liquid of choice] over it, or why is everything dead?
@CaptainObvious sounds like it could use a "Contains" with hacked equals...
@Vogel612 It seems that the thing that ensures that some somponents get the desired voltage broke.
and everything got fried as consequence? hmm..
Something like that.
It was still possible to format the hard drive, but the data were already lost.
It was put on hold, and not really sure why...
@MichaelShamash did you read through the close-reason given? (just making sure)
10:01 AM
Yes, but nothing was 'broken code' or 'not given'?
@MichaelShamash well you got a memory-leak there, right?
Unless i'm just not seeing something...
the problem is, your app is crashing. always
and that is not really the plan, right?
Yes, whenever I execute this batch of code
here on CR all code, that does not do what it's planned to do, is considered "broken"
10:03 AM
Oh, I see.
So CR is for code that works but wanted to be improved?
Monking all ;-)
you might find better help on Stack Overflow, but please make sure to conform to their rules for asking
@MichaelShamash exactly that
Ok, thank you :)
@MichaelShamash you're welcome ;)
feel free to edit and vote for reopening when you fixed it, we got some really good objective-c reviewers here.
Theoretically, if you wanted your code to crash, here on Code Review we can help you make it crash faster, harder, and with more style ;-)
10:05 AM
hmmm... edits disasocciate stars...
but the star-wall knows
... If you wanted your code to crash you'd have to tag it with or you'd get some library function recommendation
About the graduation... did we beat PCG =D?
Q: Some LINQ Code Golf

Phillip BettsSome LINQ code golf, I think anyways! string user = User.Identity.GetUserId(); IQueryable<Article> t = db.Articles.Include(a => a.Categories) .Include(b => b.Shared) .Where(s => s.Private & s.createdby == User.Identity.Name); IQueryable<...

Monking @rolfl
@Pimgd It appears we did. This could be for a number of reasons though, one of them being just the timing of the site-review cycles.
Now I have to find a job and to buy a new computer. Way to go.
10:15 AM
Oh.... crap. Gravity?
Q: Pass gcm Registration Id from GCMBaseIntentService class to MainActivity via Interface in android

Md Abdul GafurI create a Interface to pass gcm id from GCMBaseIntentService class to my Application MainActivity. My Interface is :: public interface GcmId { public void sendGcm(String id); } How can call this interface in GCMBaseIntentService class and pass it in MainActivity Interface implemention. ...

Q: Suppress automatic outputs in r

Summer GleekWhen i run auto.arima it shows the whole process in the console, which when trying to create a report ends up showing this: http://i.stack.imgur.com/GP58B.png Is there a way to stop this appearing? I have tried suppressMessages(), suppressWarnings(), sink(), invisible() but none of them seem to...

Nope. I explained it a little bit earlier: ths thing that ensured that the different component got the right voltage simply broke.
@CaptainObvious VTC Broken, not as "please include the code". He'd add the code and we'd reclose as broken.
The fan still works. Only the fan.
So basically your PSU got wacky.
10:19 AM
so basically your PSU is not
not wat
@Morwenn - is there any way to find the bright side other than graduation? I mean, that really sucks, especially if the hard disk really is kaput.
So much off-topic-ness today.
Nothing could retrieve data from the hard drive. Fortunately, I did a copy a few month ago, and I can retrieve some of the things I did since then thanks to Dropbox/Github/Mediafire.
My code does work though, i just want to hide the things outputted in the console — Summer Gleek 1 min ago
Why is it that Code Review's definition of 'working code' is so misaligned with so many people's expectations?
Because you say it needs to work but don't specify how
10:30 AM
Q: Hard code data instead of importing data while plotting using d3 library

user2409011I am trying to plot a bar chart for the following data: name value Locke 4 Reyes 8 Ford 15 Jarrah 16 Shephard 23 Kwon 42 Following is a "html/javascript" code to plot a simple bar chart in which the data is getting imported using d3.tsv <!DOCTYPE html> <meta ...

@rolfl Because people are .... not thinking?
"the code compiles and runs --> it works"
OK, I am about to go to have breakfast, and go to work.... if someone wants to, they should find a good meta question about what 'working' code means, or create such a question, then propose editing the off-topic close reason to include a link to that post.... Make sure you coordinate in here to make sure that many people don't do it, and end up wasting time ;-)
In an hour or so, if it is not done, I will do it ;-)
C# Folk:
OK, let's see where this one goes (everyone loves Linq to be 1-liners, I know ....) — rolfl ♦ 1 min ago
Q: Longer LINQ Chaining

Phillip BettsAnyone have ideas on how to improve this code at all? string user = User.Identity.GetUserId(); IQueryable<Article> t = db.Articles.Include(a => a.Categories) .Include(b => b.Shared) .Where(s => s.Private & s.createdby == User.Identity.Name); ...

10:57 AM
Q: first facelets with JPA app on glassfish

ThufirSo far as I've tested it, these few facelets files with JPA database connections work as intended. The queue, MyQueue, is at the heart of this small web application. Each time a user clicks "next" they're presented with the next bird. While the app is running, the queue will only send a bird o...

Today's mission: Figure out why the math version of checking to see if a number is a palindrome works.
A: Optimisation of palindrome

Emily L.Comments on the code as it is This: __attribute__((fastcall)) will not improve your performance, as the culprit is the algorithm not the compiler. If you really want to tell the compiler to optimize your code harder, you can try inline instead. This forward declaration: extern bool is...

@Phrancis I'm not at the office yet, but I got an answer on my db performance question..check out the linked DBA answer!
11:14 AM
@rolfl This question's syntax highlighting shows why I disagree with C#'s capitalization
Everything is blue... now what?
Q: java program using for loop

Husnain Naqvii am new user at java application and i want to get an out-put such as given below,so please any body can hep me that how to get required output using "for loop" in java? i shall be very thankful. * *** ***** i have tried to get but not succeeded. my code id below package hello; public cla...

I think that's because the C# highlighting considers Upper-case things to be classes ;-)
There's an outstanding issue with google code prettifier to resolve that, I think.
Well how are you gonna do that
You can have inner classes in C# so it's not resolvable
Q: Showing a JDialog whenever there is an exception

Sillicon TouchI have made a method which I use to show the exception error through a JDialog window whenever there is one in my program. For now I can pass it either a String or a subclass of Exception. At first I had two different methods for each one but now I combined them into one. The showError method: ...

Q: first facelets with JPA app on glassfish

ThufirSo far as I've tested it, these few facelets files with JPA database connections work as intended. The queue, MyQueue, is at the heart of this small web application. Each time a user clicks "next" they're presented with the next bird. While the app is running, the queue will only send a bird o...

Is reviewing file structures on-topic
It's not asking anything about the code, it's asking about the design of the application (programmers!) and it's asking about the filestructure
11:29 AM
Q: Suggestions on code style improvement for Clojure beginner?

vojta havlíčekThis question is moved from here, as I was unaware of CodeReview. I am quite new to Clojure and would need some advice on the following genetic programming gist I wrote as my first "working" clj program. The aim of it is to perform an algebraic regression using genetic programming on syntax tree...

@rolfl Working on a meta.
Greetings, Programs.
Greetings @Donald.McLean.
Greetings @Donald.McLean
@Pimgd not that I know of.
11:38 AM
Interesting. I've never been part of a graduating site before.
Between my co-workers dicking around and people vacuuming the room I don't think I'm gonna get anything done right now
The only thing missing is loud phonecalls.
Post your number
... That'd be the wrong kind of phonecall
The type I'm referring to is when someone insists on talking to someone who's not in this building by standing next to you... even when he has his own space.
Oh look! It's a co-worker who insists on talking loudly to others WHILST vacuuming.
11:54 AM
Q: Golang HTTP status checker

PrydieI'm writing my first somewhat production ready go program and could do with some feedback from someone more experienced with go. monitor.go package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache" "os" "time" ) // Configuration encapsulates the...

I added on meta. Will go back later and tag the appropriate questions.

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