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REFRESH! There are 5160 unanswered questions (93.3424 answered)
16 hours later…
Q: Arena/Region Allocator in C++ (rev 2)

HernanATN2nd revision of original post: Arena/Region Allocator in C++ Context, changes Trying to get a better grasp on low-level memory management, I implemented an arena allocator in C++. It's a rough learning exercise inspired by Casey Muratori's and Tsoding's advice on memory management. This revision ...

There is never a good reason to block the main thread. It is not conceivable that what you want to achieve cannot be done asynchronously or even in parallel to the main thread. You can ask a new question if you want to learn more how your current approach can be refactored accordingly. Code Review might also be a good fit for that. -- However, runBlocking is not the cause of your current problem. The code you shared should execute the configurators in parallel, speeding the total time up. Please add a minimal reproducible example that we can actually execute so we can see what the real culprit is. — tyg 44 secs ago
@Duga "It is not conceivable" makes me think of the movie The Princess Bride
This might be more suitable for our sister site Code Review. — InSync 45 secs ago
1 hour later…
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Inconceivable!
Q: Thread-safe payment registration emulation practice

MohamedI wrote this small service which emulates a payment registration system. My main concern is thread-safety in general, and the caller shouldn't be able to register a payment while one is already in progress. The service code: using System.Collections.Concurrent; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;...

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