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REFRESH! There are 5163 unanswered questions (93.3383 answered)
2 hours later…
Q: Unknown issue with my multithreaded application. Seeking someone to check my code and help me identify the issue

Az JRCI believe my issue isn't tied to a specific part of the code but is instead the result of multiple mistakes, as this is my first time working with multi-threaded programming. I've been searching for feedback on my code to not only get suggestions but also help identifying the root cause of a prob...

3 hours later…
I really wish this answer was posted on codereview. But here, and considering the actual problem, it's completely off the track. And likely a dupe. But well, SO is dying, and the last thing I should do is gatekeep it. — Your Common Sense 43 secs ago
2 hours later…
5 hours later…
This is not a free code writing service. It is also not a code review service or tutoring service. Such sites exist, but it is not this one. — Jesper Juhl 37 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Fast allocation-free alphanumeric comparer used for sorting

J.P.I was searching for C# comparers that can be used for natural sorting ("a9" comes before "a11"), but most solutions have a lot of allocations, quite unreadable code or are not covering all scenarios. So I decided to make my own: public sealed class JacobusAlphanumericComparer : IComparer<string> ...

Q: Parallel to serial conversion of an algorithm

user366312Please refer to the paper Migacz, S., et al. (2019). Parallel implementation of a sequential Markov chain in Monte Carlo simulations of physical systems with pairwise interactions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15(5), 2797–2806. The algorithm Algorithm-1 is given in the paper (I mad...

Maybe a comment pointing the user to softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
@CaptainObvious I think this should be closed, but I haven't decided on the reason yet. There is no code in the question.
@toolic The pseudocode one
Broken also works yeah
@Peilonrayz Thanks
Q: 2024: a year in moderation

JNat It’s that time of the year again! As we bid farewell to the year that's concluded and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here might be aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently t...

Only 53 users destroyed? Must've missed a few.
There is also this MetaSE post about posts getting closed
Q: 2024: a year in closing

JNatOne of the traditions we have here on MSE as the calendar year changes, is to post some statistics about post closures and reopenings across the network for the preceding calendar year. In light of that tradition, please welcome stats that highlight how many questions were closed and reopened on ...

It is frustrating that the table is so wide and the viewport isn't easily expanded
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ I've never longed for sticky headers more
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ omg, yes
1 hour later…
Stack Overflow is not the right place for code review. — trincot 52 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Looks familiar
@YourCommonSense I am sad about the death of SO as well. I've also notice that people rarely respond to comments and answers anymore. It happens, but not like it used to be. SO just isn't a very pleasant site to interact with, given that real people can be rather harsh in their judgements, however justified, when you can also interact with an AI that is helpful, says: "sorry", and doesn't mind all the silly things you write. — KIKO Software 5 hours ago
It's not just SO. The whole network is.
And AI wasn't even the tipping point.
It was going downhill way earlier.
lol we were talking about the death of SE in the Anime & Manga chatroom today... Now here XD
There 've been people ranting on Reddit about it for a while, it's a popular topic lately :-)
Yeah SE is dying... and SE killed SE
I pulled this a week ago from SEDE so it's public knowledge basically: Questions/Answers graphed since the start of the site.
That's for Code Review.
I'll see if I can find the query I used.
Other sites aren't doing any better.
Big yikes
Basically we started worrying in '19 and worrying didn't help.
@Mast wow that's quite a difference
Guess we gotta go back to expert sexchange then, though I wasn't really around coding back then
SO doesn't have the same graph, but definitely a worrying graph.
Ask Ubuntu:
Codidact is basically dead too. Guess I'll have to join some Discord server now... I feel like a dinosaur now.
Personally I think Discord servers are a poor fit for Q&A. Too much repetition of people with the same problem.
However, I do not have a better alternative.

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