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12:19 AM
REFRESH! There are 5882 unanswered questions (92.4389 answered)
4 hours later…
4:30 AM
Sorry about that, but unfortunately your code isn't working. Just a hint to help you making your code on-topic: After your first while-loop reset the result variable to 0. — Heslacher 3 mins ago
1 hour later…
5:51 AM
If the posted code works as is, then your question is better off on codereview.stackexchange.comDarkBee 59 secs ago
It is too broad for SO and possibly even Off-topic. If the code is working and you're looking for optimization then Code Review would be the right place to ask. Instead of using an onclick attribute, why not simply use a single function with either a switch statement or using the data-attribtue to provide information? — tacoshy 51 secs ago
1 hour later…
6:58 AM
Q: More efficient / manageable way to code this HTA w/ VBScript?

bdwilcoxNote: I moved this from Stack Overflow to Code Review by suggestion of Tacoshy who added: "Instead of using an onclick attribute, why not simply use a single function with either a switch statement or using the data-attribtue to provide information?" For some background, I'm someone who normally ...

9 hours later…
3:51 PM
It sounds like you're looking for codereview.stackexchange.comMathias R. Jessen 22 secs ago
Q: Modeling a card game (like Magic the gathering) in an object oriented way (C# console app)

Philip NousI am a graduate programmer that started a small side project to create my own card game. Currently I am in the phase of designing some of my ideas and bringing them in to code. I built the game in the form of a .NET console app to keep the UI aspect as simple as possible. My current goal is to ad...

Q: Wrapper over the application config

MaxWrapper over the application config. Config can be a JSON file (or YAML, but I haven't written a policy for YAML yet). appconfig.h : #pragma once #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include "json_policy.h" class Ap...

4:42 PM
All old traditions fall by the wayside! Crosslink to: How can I make sure AuthName works in all browsers? where a reference is made to Chromium issue 1466473003: Do not show untrustworthy strings in the basic auth dialog.David Tonhofer 18 secs ago
5:21 PM
A new question focusing on into broadcast shaping issues and truth ambiguities should survive the closure police. Code Review is only for working code. — hpaulj 1 min ago
6:11 PM
Q: Use of std::variant

Loki AstariI have known about std::variant for a while but had dismissed it as not very useful (I have revised that opinion now). But I would like a second opinion on my usage. To see if I can imprve this. The original class looked like this: namespace ThorsAnvil::Serialize { class ParserInterface { ...

6:34 PM
@CaptainObvious RBA
1 hour later…
8:04 PM
Q: Optimize Working Live Search & Highlight Function

codejp3I've written a custom Live Search & Highlight function in vanilla JS. It is working and does what I expect it to. The issue is that the more items I add to the page content to search, the slower the search/highlight function becomes. I'm looking for speed/efficiency improvements so that it can ha...

Q: Finding Specific Promotions from two columns

Gage0 I'm trying to build a function that identifies those who are promoted into a list of jobcodes, or are promoted within that list of jobcodes. Initially I was using np.where() until I realized it would actually capture those who were demoted as well. Here's what I'm currently working with which w...

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