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12:19 AM
REFRESH! There are 5884 unanswered questions (92.4361 answered)
14 hours later…
1:54 PM
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3:04 PM
I’m voting to close this question because it's better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com. — ceejayoz 39 secs ago
4:03 PM
Q: <Programming in Lua - 4th> exercise 2.2 - place 8 queens

EricCode eight_queen_perm.lua: --local inspect = require('inspect') N = 8 -- board size z = 0 -- follow performance, by counting the time isplaceok() is called, -- check whether position (n,c) is free from attacks function isplaceok (a, n, c) z = z + 1 for i = 1, n - 1 do -- fo...

5 hours later…
8:54 PM
Q: AES-256 file encryption in c#

Siarhei KuchukI recently needed to write a portion of code to encrypt file to AES-256 in C# language. Since I did not find ready implementations of it, apart from string encryption, and since I'm very far from cryptography field, I'm worried that it's insecure. Can you please revise if my encryption code is se...

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