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12:19 AM
REFRESH! There are 5946 unanswered questions (92.3613 answered)
4 hours later…
4:04 AM
code reviews prior to merging would catch all of this — lane.maxwell 47 secs ago
5 hours later…
9:13 AM
Q: VBA: Efficiently Organise Data with Missing Values to Achieve Minimum Number of Tables

Luke WoodThe task is to create sub-tables from an original table (like below) that contain the missing data columns (missing data is highlighted in red). The important part of this task is to make the smallest number of output tables based on the combinations of missing data points across different column...

9:43 AM
@CaptainObvious if OP kept the original code the question wouldn't be closed.
Left a comment at the question.
4 hours later…
1:19 PM
Q: Tried making an infinite marquee in react

Zohaib MushtaqI was making a marquee which would show "We are ochi" marquee infinitely but I was not able to make it infinite so just made it by adding "We are ochi" into an array by 9999 times using loop and then mapped it to return items in array. I know that it might not be a right way but I wasn't able to ...

1 hour later…
2:28 PM
Working code belongs on the sister site: CodeReview. Using arrays instead of iterating over the cells will make the code 50-100 times faster or more. — TinMan 28 secs ago
2:42 PM
This question is better suited for the code review SO — Just another Java programmer 12 secs ago
@JustanotherJavaprogrammer you are referring to Code Review Stack Exchange, correct? — Abra 59 secs ago
3:01 PM
3:53 PM
3 hours later…
6:33 PM
7:22 PM
8:07 PM
If the code works and you're looking for advice on improving it, Code Review is the appropriate place. But see A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users first. — Barmar 42 secs ago
8:18 PM
"kindly suggest corrections" - although SO isn't a code review site I'll throw my two cents in. Almost every single one of your comments is followed by a very obvious single command. For instance, // Execute cURL request is followed by $response = curl_exec($ch); Although this isn't wrong, many people find this style to be harder to read because they are effectively reading things twice. Further, debugging can be harder because you might mentally assume the comment aligns with the code. Generally speaking, I would recommend commenting only when something isn't directly obvious or expected. — Chris Haas 1 min ago
2 hours later…
10:38 PM
Q: Accelerating computation of a "2D Variance" using C++ and Eigen in a MEX function

drakon101I have the following function in Matlab: function [JCF] = computeJCF(idxtMTX,p,alpha) % Compute Weight matrix based on 2D variance of idxtMTX per pixel. % idxtMTX - [N,M,nPixels] (stored in p as [p.numEl,p.na,p.nPoints]) % Preallocate output matrix JCF = zeros(size(idxtMTX)); ...

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