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12:18 AM
REFRESH! There are 6103 unanswered questions (92.1619 answered)
6 hours later…
6:47 AM
@skiwi Only takes 3 nowadays.
6 hours later…
1:11 PM
@Mast Ah something seemed different indeed
1:46 PM
Q: Scraping the calendar of some public libraries from their websites

user665110I've been learning some Haskell as an amateur (to be precise: I started programming with this language, and it has been a year or less since I started seriously). So far, I have realised only small projects and find myself unable to judge my code (quality, style, ideas, ...) For example, do you h...

3 hours later…
5:12 PM
Please don't expect other proposals. You should ask this question on codereview.stackexchange.comquamrana 32 secs ago
2 hours later…
7:30 PM
No @quamrana, example code is not reviewable so don't recommend CR when the question would be instantly closed there. That's a disservice to the asker. — Toby Speight 52 secs ago
7:49 PM
Q: Numerical Solution of Geodesic Equations with Schwarzschild Metric

user285067I tried to numerically solve the geodesic equation's in Schwarzchild spacetime. The program for my knowledge is working but when I modified the metric the graph was the same. Please let me know if there is a bug in my code somewhere that only outputs the same result regarding different metrics. T...

8:33 PM
@Duga Doing good work @TobySpeight
2 hours later…
10:59 PM
Q: Service Locator C#

ThomasI made this service locator to be used on my game projects, but it uses pure c#. Basically, new services needs to inherit from the common IService interface to be registered. I also added events to provide the services so that you cannot run into initialization timing null errors, and the diction...

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