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4:09 AM
7 hours later…
11:37 AM
Q: Testing framework with a single assertion macro

elehtineI usually use the Catch2 testing framework in my C++ projects. Unlike other frameworks, it has only one core assertion macro for all comparisons. Instead of writing REQUIRE_EQ(value, correct); one could write REQUIRE(value == correct);. I looked up how it was implemented and replicated its core f...

12:16 PM
Q: the helper fuctions for a url shortener

K YCurrently I am still considering of using the get_password instead of the token_urlsafe but not sure yet. The shortener will be offering also encryption in case someone needs it for private short urls. Do you see something weak in the encryption? The code: from secrets import SystemRandom, choice...

1:13 PM
@syb0rg, I see no guidelines on this site indicating that replies should not present alternative approaches for consideration. If such guidelines exist and I have missed them, then you have my apologies. If not, then I think my contribution is valid. — Rafe Feb 4, 2014 at 3:59
anyone has a reference to that? ^^
old comment but still
1 hour later…
2:27 PM
@SimonForsberg Alternative approaches are fine, but they can't be all that's in the answer. There are multiple meta posts on it.
First example I find:
A: Alternate solution - what counts as an insightful observation?

Peter TaylorThe problem starts with the question, which is barely on topic and would be a better fit on Stack Overflow. That said, a comparison between your original answer and Reinderien's seems to illustrate the difference between an alternative solution and an alternative solution with an insightful obse...

But it starts in the how-to-answer.
> Every answer must make at least one insightful observation about the code in the question. Answers that merely provide an alternate solution with no explanation or justification do not constitute valid Code Review answers and may be deleted. In addition to criticisms, pointing out good practices in the code is also a form of helpful feedback.
I happen to cite it in my election questionnaire from '18, where Malachi partially disagreed with it.
See comments.
3:00 PM
Just in case that you did not notice it yet: A recent change to the color of visited links affects the buttons on chat pages, such as the users/rooms/faq/join this room/view transcript button on the info page of a chat room.
A: Make visited post titles a more distinct color on Meta.SE

SpencerGWe’re making a change to links that improve accessibility for links within a paragraph and relate to a few requests from the community (listed below). Changes to visited links To improve the visual distinction, visited links will be change from blue to purple-500 (and purple-600 when visited and ...

Depending on the button color (which seems to be site-specific) this can cause the button text to have very low contrast after the link was visited. It is pretty bad on the chat pages of Mathematics SE, but (IMO) also not very nice with the blue buttons on the chat pages of Code Review.
3:33 PM
Please see Code Review - you should post your review request there — pzaenger 44 secs ago
@Duga welcome back
4:06 PM
This is not on topic on this site. Try codereview.stackexchange.comaled 35 secs ago
@MartinR Thanks for sharing. SE keep messing up colours with Dark Reader... I think I'll have to write a custom theme at some point...
4:34 PM
4:44 PM
This color change makes some buttons on the info page of MathSE chatrooms almost illegible after they were visited (e.g. here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/64952/math-meta-chat). — Martin R 2 hours ago
When is SE's CSS going to be somewhat stable? Every change breaks normal/Dark Reader more and more, I want a useable site, but having to monkey patch constant changes doesn't sound fun. — Peilonrayz 21 mins ago
@MartinR Thanks for the heads up. I hope the Team can do something with the feedback you and others provided in the comments.
Then again, it seems they're aware of that.
@MartinR Yeah, those don't look too good. I will flag it and see if we can do something different there. — SpencerG ♦ 2 hours ago
2 hours later…
6:55 PM
Q: role_required decorator for FastAPI route

JohnDisclaimer and sorry words.. It's been quite a long time since I do not ask questions here and also I am a complete novice in FastAPI, so.. please do not judge too strong I am playing with FastAPI authorization and wondering how can I protected my routes from user who are authenticated but do not...

5 hours later…
11:30 PM
Q: PriorityChannelReader: A class that combines multiple ChannelReader<T> and prioritizes the items

piju3I wanted to write a class that would take multiple System.Threading.Channels.ChannelReader<T> and return the values from them in prioritized order: always from the earliest channel that has one available. I thought this would be very useful for building certain pipelines so I was planning to publ...

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