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2:07 AM
7 hours later…
8:46 AM
Q: Typescript Implementation for a fully typed map with all keys from a string union type and values to be function with return type specific to key

Dev KhanI was told to post my question here. With reference to my code below, I am trying to create a Map<string, Function> (eventHandlerMap in the code below) such that each of its keys is a string from (PortalEvent in the code below) Union type. The value of each property should be a function that must...

5 hours later…
1:42 PM
Firefox feels so much faster, wow :o
(And I still have plenty of tabs open)
Or is it my entire PC, hmm
@skiwi New PC?
@pacmaninbw Nope, no changes (as far as I know)
Unless goblins swapped my PC components overnight
One can only hope goblins will be so nice.
2 hours later…
3:42 PM
4 hours later…
7:36 PM
Q: Java OptionalCombiner

Mehmet Atakan SerinImplemented a simple library to combine two optionals. Intention is to increase readability by reducing nested code that can be caused by if else statements or Optional.flatMap. I have a map function that I do not really enjoy though: public <U, D> OptionalCombiner<? extends U, ? extends D> map(B...

7:56 PM
Q: I made a simple vim plugin in vimscript

Bruno CiccarinoI made a simple plugin for Vim, I thought it was cool and I wanted to share it with you. The plugin allows you to create keyboard shortcuts to change themes, easy to install and simple to configure. This is the code, I'm keeping the kiss philosophy because I intend to change it to lua in a while ...

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