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12:18 AM
REFRESH! There are 6114 unanswered questions (92.1462 answered)
2 hours later…
2:36 AM
Based on the guidelines, it's important to first profile your code and identify specific snippets where the performance issue occurs. Ensure that your library or code is available on a public repository like GitHub or Bitbucket. Provide detailed profiler results and identified bottlenecks to make your question suitable for Stack Overflow or Code Review. Without this due diligence, it might be best to hold off on posting until you can provide concrete evidence of the performance issues. — JayDev95 1 min ago
3:05 AM
If you have working code that you want peer reviewed for improvement, your question belongs on Code Review, which was created specifically for that purpose. This site is for specific questions about actual problems you're having with code, and with working code you don't have a problem. Please be sure to read the help guidelines at CodeReview before posting, as they have some minimum requirements that you need to meet. Also, on both sites, it's important that the first tag you add to your post is for the language that you're using. — Ken White 54 secs ago
4 hours later…
6:36 AM
You might have more success with your question over at codereview.stackexchange.com — Jeanot Zubler just now
2 hours later…
8:09 AM
Stack Overflow isn't for code reviews. You might want to explore our sibling site Code Review, but please read their help pages before asking there (and please delete this off-topic post, and review our help center before posting here again). — tripleee 41 secs ago
8:49 AM
Q: Separate Chaining Hash Table Implementation in C++

Nafees MadniI've implemented a separate chaining hash table in C++ and would appreciate any feedback or suggestions for improvement. Code: #include <iostream> #include <bitset> #include <functional> // for hash<class template> class using namespace std; const int M = 97; // no of chains template <typename...

2 hours later…
10:34 AM
Q: Dynamically unpacking Python tuples with structure checking using JIT compilation

user1537366This interesting unpacking function allows unpacking a nested tuple into the arguments of a function as its arguments, with structure checking support and only one function call overhead excluding one-time compilation cost. def flatten_tuple(data, structure, cache={}): if not (unpacker := cac...

if you want feedback, you can use this pageoskar 36 secs ago
1 hour later…
11:59 AM
Q: Tic Tac Toe with only the 3 last moves

tacoshyI wrote a Tic-Tac-Toe game that unlike the normal TTT only saves the last 3 moves. That means, that the first move will be removed on the 4th move and so on. To not necessarily extend the description I do not post my full requirements. The important requirements to understand the code for review ...

12:54 PM
3 hours later…
3:32 PM
You may find that the Code Review site gives a wider range of opinions for a review and alternatives for this working code. — francescalus 26 secs ago
@francescalus Unfortunately this question would not do well on code review. It is too general, or theoretical. It needs to be real code from a working project. — pacmaninbw 1 min ago
1 hour later…
4:39 PM
Q: Prevent concurrent execution of program

RedGrittyBrickBased on some stackoverflow answers I wrote this test for a program that will be scheduled to run every 15 minutes and needs to not start if the prior invocation is still running. I create a lockfile and try to catch interrupts that might leave a lockfile when the program is nuked by ^C etc. This...

4:59 PM
This site is meant to assist people with resolving problems or errors in their code. If your code is working but you're seeking advice on how to improve it, Code Review may be a better fit for your question. However, please take a moment to read what's on topic for that site before posting there. If your code is not working, please edit your question and provide debugging details and explain the problem in more detail so we can understand exactly what problem or error you're facing. — devlin carnate 43 secs ago
2 hours later…
7:05 PM
Probably better on codereview.stackexchange.com provided you meet the posting requirements. SO is a Q&A site and code reviews are not considered questions. — Richard Critten 41 secs ago
7:47 PM
Q: Studies on Square Roots

user284928This post marks the beginning of my ventures into calculating square roots. However, I have no idea how the processor, more specifically the FPU with the fsqrt instruction, performs the process. I have included a better method for measuring time and also made some improvements to the method I wan...

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