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12:15 AM
REFRESH! There are 6139 unanswered questions (92.1007 answered)
Q: Lotto Number Generator - Javascript

ScottyonfireNewbie to Javascript here and just practicing by making a random Lottery number generator. I am practicing by building simple, achievable projects. The aim of this project is to make 10 lines of 6 numbers. Each line of numbers will take one random number from a 'hotNumbers' array, one random numb...

@Lundin I posted some type traits for review on Codereview. I thought you might like to see them, and in the process, point out some bugs/wrong behaviours/pitfalls that I have failed to realize. Assuming you'd like to see, here's the link: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/292516/… Good day to you. — Harith 14 secs ago
1 hour later…
1:30 AM
possible answer invalidation by ggorlen on question by Scottyonfire: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292519/revisions
possible answer invalidation by ggorlen on question by Scottyonfire: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292519/revisions
possible answer invalidation by ggorlen on question by Scottyonfire: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292519/revisions
possible answer invalidation by ggorlen on question by Scottyonfire: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292519/revisions
3 hours later…
4:27 AM
4 hours later…
8:23 AM
Why are you updating a text field every 100ms? Who should read that? Maybe reducing the frequency to something reasonable will also release some pressure on the UI thread. Maybe this will also fix your problem. You should show more than just a property and its assignment if you expect help from a code review. — BionicCode 44 secs ago
9:06 AM
@463035818_is_not_an_ai No, because it is not considered as a best practice by some people, thus can't pass code review. However, what Sebastian said is ok. I can actually use constructors and deconstructors. Moreover, I want to know if there are some other ways, since a class may have many constructors, and a custom constructor will make the class non-trivial. — calvin 40 secs ago
9:35 AM
Non-kudos for prioritising micro-optimizations over dev-readable code. This wouldn't pass code review. A regex or str replace is far simpler for humans — Martin Dawson 17 secs ago
9:52 AM
"Wpf DataGrid SelectedIndex returns the same value after cell edited"- The value only changes when the selected row changes. You maybe manipulate the SelectedIndex elsewhere e.g. via data binding? A better explanation of your problem and a minimal reproducible example that allows a proper code review would be very helpful. It's not clear what you expect. Your MyVertewx class, like every class that serves as a binding source and where its source properties are not dependency properties, must implement INotifyPropertyChanged. — BionicCode 34 secs ago
"Wpf DataGrid SelectedIndex returns the same value after cell edited"- The value only changes when the selected row changes. You maybe manipulate the SelectedIndex elsewhere e.g. via data binding? A better explanation of your problem and a minimal reproducible example that allows a proper code review would be very helpful. It's not clear what you expect and what you are doing (especially other code that might lead to this behavior). — BionicCode 15 secs ago
10:25 AM
Is this the tool bot for AI generated content, or an actual real human person?
I'm not a robot by the way, if anybody wonders. What would make you think that?
Just an actual real human person with actual real content.
2 hours later…
12:28 PM
@Duga No AI that I can see.
1:26 PM
Q: The unvisible transparency in CSS. cant work out what's wrong

версI wanted to make the background of the box P a little bit transparent with such elements like rgbA, transparent, opacity, but nothing appears. I would appreciate your feedback HTML code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device...

1 hour later…
2:45 PM
possible answer invalidation by Harith on question by Harith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292516/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Harith on question by Harith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292516/revisions
@Duga Modified an example use-case not addressed by the answerer.
possible answer invalidation by Harith on question by Harith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292516/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Harith, Harith on question by Harith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292516/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Harith, Harith on question by Harith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292516/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Harith on question by Harith: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/292516/revisions
3:42 PM
@user402514 Hey, could you point to where someone said you are a robot?
3:59 PM
@Peilonrayz Start writing an answer. Post it 4+ hours later.
Or post through Tor.
Or... There's a list.
@user402514 It's looking for Answer Invalidation, not AI generated content.
@Mast Not really very helpful.
@Peilonrayz I'm saying there are plenty of situations that make SE trigger the 'are you a robot' check.
4 hours later…
8:26 PM
@Mast I guess that identifier name is great for anyone not fluent in English

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