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Q: A word counter (wc) utility clone

ReacherI was practicing Java by building some of the challenges on this website: https://codingchallenges.fyi/challenges/challenge-wc/ I've built a word counter clone and I wanted to know if my solution is efficient. I've tested the code against a couple of input files and compared it with the output fr...

3 hours later…
Q: Why do shared memory segments run longer than pipe when transferring big data?

bleedcloudI am writing a lab on operating systems. Need to write two programs that transmit data using pipe and shared memory segments. It is necessary to compare the transfer time and come to the conclusion that the shared memory segments work faster with big data. But it turns out the opposite. What is t...

1 hour later…
Q: NN does not learn

HackermanThis is my python program, it uses the mnist database to mimic the classic example of classifying written digits. I am avoiding trying to use dedicated libraries because I want to be able to duplicate it in c once I get it to learn. As of now I don't have a test method, this is because my program...

2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Trying to create full-duplex tcp server

i_am_learningI am trying to create full duplex server, I have implemented this rust code but it is not working, so what could be modification need to be done to make it works. client.rs use std::io::{self, Read, Write}; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::thread; static mut FLAG: bool = false; fn send_to_serv...

4 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Retrieving n bits signed integers stored contiguously in memory

FayeureI'm trying to implement the minecraft protocol in TS/Node, and for the Position data type, the doc says "x as a 26-bit integer, followed by z as a 26-bit integer, followed by y as a 12-bit integer (all signed, two's complement)." What I did: function decodePosition( payload: Buffer, offset: n...

Q: Creating random music covers using conways way of life algorithm

ZipityI'm currently working on replacing all the covers of my music files to have a unified theme, and I've started this project in Java to refresh my knowledge after a gap of 2-3 years. The program generates random pixels in the upper-left quadrant of the image, mirrors the quadrant to the other three...

6 hours later…
Q: A tic-tac-toe in C

UrielI am Uriel. I am (trying) to learn the C programming language for fun with my father's book "The C Programming Language". So, I tried writing a C tic-tac-toe game in C. I have no professional experience, so I do not know whether the following is how real code is that real programmers write. So I ...

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