@Mast I'm trying to determine a takeaway from this but I'm only left with more questions, such as: how do you see that cumulative rep graph; is it only visible to moderators; and why does stackoverflow show it on the welcome widget but CR does not have a welcome widget?
For the actual subject of in-votes vs. out-votes, the message seems to be... "everything is fine"
@Reinderien cumulative rep graph is publicly visible to all users (even anonymous) on the Summary tab of the Activity section of a user profile - e.g. here for toolic
Do you guys still use the Data Explorer to find more questions to potentially upvote?
My 'Unsung Heroes' query from 2014 seems to take forever
Yup; Line 0: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. And I went for top 500..
I'm trying to obtain the contour at a given level, say 23 C from a time vs. depth data of temperature. The contour 23 is overlaid onto the figure.
How do I isolate and select one single contour path from the lots of paths?
I Tried obtaining the vertices from path, but they are huge in number, an...
This is a task queue in a background service that preserves the original callers SynchronizationContext.
It returns a Task<Task> or Task<Task<T>> to the original caller which completes once the task is queued and reaches the finished state.
It also is able to run multiple tasks concurrently by se...
A Python iteration of the approach chosen got annoyingly verbose when using partition by value and rank - open coded because I wouldn't know which implementation to take use.
I thought C++&STL provided "everything" I wanted to use with the introduction of ranges - it seems I ended up not using an...
Code Review might be a better fit insofar as this is fairly open-ended (there's no such thing as a provably complete and canonical answer for a question where there's always room for a new data structure or algorithm to be suggested). — Charles Duffy20 secs ago
I don't think Code Review is the right destination for this. They aren't really big into "What data storage format should I use?" types of questions. — user458130131 secs ago
I recently was given a take home assignment for a job interview. The task was specified like so:
Create a command-line program that accepts an optional argument: “-d path”. If the
path is not supplied, it defaults to “~/inbox/”. If the path does not exist, it should be
created. We refer to this p...