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REFRESH! There are 5279 unanswered questions (93.1868 answered)
6 hours later…
Hello! I see your "question" was closed. This is generally a place where people would post issues about their code, and there is another place, Code Review, where people can ask to get their code reviewed. If you are looking to learn Python, the best thing to do would be to get hands-on experience. Start projects, look everywhere online and research for dependencies and documentation, and learn what you need. A lot of the tutorials online are really wordy, or bring a lot of concepts forward too quickly. If you really need a place to start, I'd recommend using LearnPython or maybe W3schools. — keventhen4 1 min ago
1 hour later…
Q: UUID v7 implementation in python

138 AspenImplementation of UUID Version 7 (UUIDv7) according to RFC 9562, Ported from Guid.CreateVersion7() The official implementation in Python is uuid I have verified the generated result in this and this. I am now looking for a review in terms of approach, clarity, performance, etc. import uuid from d...

6 hours later…
1 hour later…
Some kind soul please help me find a question about classifying/partitioning the values of an iterable according to a function yielding few distict value in Python. I tried those terms using site serch and web search engines.
1 hour later…
@greybeard Are you asking about itertools.groupby or a more advanced form like the inverse of a merge?
There was a question, here or on stackoverflow. Maybe about 2 years ago, with a handful of different approaches discussed.
Oh ok. Sorry I'm not aware of the question you're looking for so would be hitting my head against SE's search :(

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