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REFRESH! There are 5284 unanswered questions (93.1802 answered)
2 hours later…
This question might be better suited to codereview.stackexchange.com. — SmellyCat 5 secs ago
8 hours later…
Stop using the term JSON for JavaScript objects. Create an interface that describes the data. Don't use any in your code. Configure your build step to break, when any is used, implicitly or explicitly. interface CustomJson { [key: string]: any } is garbage and shouldn't pass any code review. — jabaa 57 secs ago
If that's your data, yes. In a code review, I would ask why data contains objects and not arrays. It looks like the keys are enumerated. — jabaa 16 secs ago
2 hours later…
They're probably just trying to satisfy a code review or linter requirement. — user2357112 26 secs ago
3 hours later…
@tyg OK, I agree. I didn't even know Code Review existed. I flagged the question asking to migrate it. — Salvador 22 secs ago
5 hours later…
1 hour later…
Wow, I asked a question that apparently didn't set off the size warning.
Q: Resize 200 photos quickly in C++ using opencv

pacmaninbwI have about 200 photos that I need to up load to a WordPress website. When I tried up loading the second one I got an error message that the file was too wide. Apparently WordPress limits the width of the photo uploads to 2560 columns (pixels?). I converted 32 by hand and then got tired of all t...

@CaptainObvious Ooh @pacmaninbw that's an interesting one to follow for an answer, especially as I'm getting more C++ experience these days
Also, now I'm curious where your username actually stands for
2 hours later…
I’m voting to close this question because SO is not a code review site. — duffymo 14 secs ago

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