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REFRESH! There are 5429 unanswered questions (92.9950 answered)
4 hours later…
Q: Implementation of Indexed Priority Queue

Khải Nguyễn DanhI'm learning Graph Theory and trying to solve the Dijkstra Problem. One of the best ways to solve the problem is to use Indexed Priority Queue and so, I implemented it. The code is below. Pls review and tell me how I can write it better. I'm still very much of an amateur so it would be my pleasur...

@AlexO It would be much safer and cleaner if you either made the original container to hold Wrapper<T> from the beginning or if you modified whatever code that is using the wrapper to work without it. Even if it was implemented correctly, I would very likely not accept the start_lifetime_as approach (nor any other you showed) in a code review. — user17732522 2 mins ago
Q: Why is my code outputting a value that is one-off the expected value?

ManiiiIn the following code, a user inputs a contribution amount and the program will output how many years it takes for the initial balance to double based on that fixed contribution amount: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const double RATE = 5; const double INITIAL_BALA...

2 hours later…
Looks like Trump won everything. President, Senate, Governor, and popular. House is undecided atm but leaning Trump.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by PizzaOverflow on question by PizzaOverflow: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/294311/revisions
possible answer invalidation by PizzaOverflow on question by PizzaOverflow: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/294311/revisions
Q: Integrating Google SSO with JWT in Spring Boot REST API

Trọng Tình VõI’m integrating Google Single Sign-On (SSO) into an existing Spring Boot REST API that uses JWT for authentication. I’m using Spring Security for OAuth2 login, and I’ve added a custom success handler to generate a JWT token for authenticated users. My question is about the right place to create a...

This seems like two questions: 1) How do I optimize this code (not on topic for Stack Overflow, but suitable for SX Code Review.) 2) What optimizations do Javascript runtimes give me for free? — Matt Morgan 5 secs ago
1 hour later…
Are you looking for Code Review? — Cow just now
@Cow The question as-is is off-topic on Code Review. — Peilonrayz 41 secs ago
Q: ePet Hamster for my website

Hamster guyI was hoping to put an ePet on my website like on this one: https://esheep.petrucci.ch/ The spot I would like to put it in the website is https://militarymedia.github.io/clicker . I know how to add the eSheep from the first website, but I would like the pet to be a hamster instead of a sheep, and...

@toolic When you vote to close a question, down vote it as well. Closed questions with a negative score automatically get deleted at some point.
@pacmaninbw Closed questions scoring 0 are already removed at 10 days.
@pacmaninbw Are you referring to ePet Hamster?
@Mast You were the one that told me to down vote questions.
@Peilonrayz No, this question
@pacmaninbw If they are at 1 or higher, closed questions do not get removed. 0 or lower, they are removed.
Non-closed questions get roomba'd until and including -1, closed questions until and including 0.
@pacmaninbw: Can you clarify? What are you talking about specifically?
@pacmaninbw: Usually I do, but I forgot on this one. I probably would have gotten to it eventually
For instance I didn't DV the ePet one but I (presume) toolic did.
Based on what @Mast said above, it isn't too bad.
@AlexanderIvanchenko Your comment on this question is good, but it should generally be accompanied by a down vote. If the OP edits the question you can up vote or remove your down vote later.
Voting is just as important as flagging, perhaps even more important.
I appreciate the irony. I've been instructed a couple times here to vote. I have cast the most votes this year.
Good :-)
What @Mast said.
@toolic and not by a small amount, like 4x. Nice.
Oh I'm actually on the list?! I'm shocked I have 10...
@Peilonrayz They have twice your total :-)
Apr 4, 2022 at 17:32, by Mast
May 26, 2014 at 16:59, by Mat's Mug
guys no pressure, but VOTE LIKE IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO BREATHE
Q: Todo list manager

JayZI've completed a roadmap.sh project: https://roadmap.sh/projects/task-tracker/ It's my first rust project. So there's probably a lot of things that could be done in a more idiomatic way. It's a CLI tool to manage a todo list save in a JSON file. Example Adding a new task task-cli add "Buy groceries

@Peilonrayz Looks like I need to relocate to another country.
@toolic We appreciate your work, let there be no misunderstanding about that.
@mast got it
@Mast I'm really not surprised... I've not been voting for a while
@Mast Are you going to try to beat 200_Success's record?
@pacmaninbw I'm not aiming for it specifically, this is the first time I've looked at that scoreboard in quite some time. Considering I've 'only' voted 526 times this year, a tenth of what toolic did... There are more contenders for the record.
Besides, records are temporary. I remember breaking the all-time CV record. Luckily I'm 4th now.
When I became a moderator, I stopped clearing the queues. There's a general consensus the queues are best left to non-moderators in most occasions.
After all, we're exception handlers.
Well, as moderators we can't really vote to close as much, I check the queues every day, only vote on really terrible questions and edits.
I expect @TobySpeight will pass me in the next year as CV leader.
1 hour later…
Q: A remote trading bot that runs on the CLI - first C++ project

insipidintegratorI am looking for feedback about a working trading bot (which connects to the API of the deribit website and trades on that platform) I made. I am a beginner in C++ and would like to learn some good practices and design choices that I have unknowingly missed. CONTEXT: This was started by me as a t...

2 hours later…
Q: Robust error handling mechanism in C++ (safer than std::expected)

golgi apparatusI've been looking into and experimenting with various paradigms for error handling in C++. My goals for a robust error handling mechanism would be: Enforce handling the error cases (in other words, make it more difficult to NOT handle the error case). i.e. don't let things like result.value()->...

1 hour later…
@pacmaninbw Understood

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