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8:56 AM
Q: Swift String-extension 'countOccurrencesOfChar'

michael.zechInspired by Ruby's String.count-method I wrote a similar Swift-method myself as an extension to the String-class. Then I had the idea to use a second parameter with which you can control if the search shall be done case-sensitive or case-inventive. Here's my code: extension String { func coun...

7 hours later…
3:28 PM
I am not going to handle the "Too Long" flag on my question.
3:39 PM
Q: Second Try at C++ 20 Generic Dictionary for enums and Strings

pacmaninbwThis is a follow up question to Abstract Generic Dictionary. Some of the code reviewed in this question was also reviewed in C++20 Performance Test Code Generator. The new template class attempts to solve the design problems pointed out in the Abstract Generic Dictionary question. The differences...

I'm gonna need all my C++ knowledge (which isn't a massive amount unfortunately) in the coming weeks
It looks like introducing a virtual method in a script engine can seriously impact the performance if it's on critical paths, but design-wise being able to separate into classes is way better than one big file
3 hours later…
6:20 PM
If you want a code review, goto codereview.stackexchange.com . StackOverflow is not intended tor recommending libraries or packages. — Tim Roberts 38 secs ago
3 hours later…
9:36 PM
possible answer invalidation by Alexander Ivanchenko on question by coderodde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/294279/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Alexander Ivanchenko on question by coderodde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/294279/revisions
@Duga fine
possible answer invalidation by Alexander Ivanchenko on question by coderodde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/294279/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Alexander Ivanchenko on question by coderodde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/294279/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Alexander Ivanchenko on question by coderodde: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/294279/revisions

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