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REFRESH! There are 5481 unanswered questions (92.9313 answered)
1 hour later…
If you have working code that you want peer-reviewed, your question belongs on Code Review, which was created specifically for that purpose. Be sure and read the guidelines before posting there, as they have specific requirements. This site is for questions related to non-working (problem) code. — Ken White just now
This question might be better for codereview.stackexchange.com ? — Cadence 7 secs ago
> Thanks to me writing a single highly-upvoted answer years ago, I'm actually able to use the website, unlike those commoners stuck on 1 rep! Heh heh heh...
tbf I'm in a similar camp...
4 hours later…
Strive to write code as simple as possible. There is just no way this code will ever pass a code review in a professional context. — Lundin 43 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: A Java program for counting probabilities of die combinations in Yatzy

coderoddeI have this program: package com.github.coderodde.prob.yatzy; import java.util.Arrays; /** * * @version 1.0.0 (Nov 1, 2024) * @since 1.0.0 (Nov 1, 2024) */ public final class YatzyProbabilityCounter { private static final int N = 6; private final int[] dice = new int[5]; p...

5 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Getting users data with React using Tanstack Query

LemAm I doing the right thing about implementing my the tanstack query into my system? I am using NextJS for this one and Xano for the backend. This function specifically is getting all the users with pagination and search functionality. const getUsers: QueryFunction<UserData, ["users", GetUsersParams]

Welcome to Stack Overflow! If the code works and you're looking for advice on improving it, Code Review is the appropriate place. But see A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users first. — Barmar 47 secs ago
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@CaptainObvious You'd think after 500+ questions they'd know how to post a great question.
@Mast Some people never learn.
With that many questions I would have a lot more rep points.
I should post another question one of these days, but there's very little I write that makes sense for people who don't have a related background.
I have one idea, but I need some time to implement it first.
I've had a few of those ideas for the past years now, so don't hold your breath.
But one of them at least would use a library I haven't seen on the site yet.
Q: Dependency Injection helper fluent UI

Manuel FernandezI am coding a NuGet package heavily inspired by Scrutor. I wanted to simplify Scrutor's fluent interface and improve its attribute-based class registration. Thus, I'd like to gather some opinions and ideas to make it as clear, and easy to use as possible. Given these sample classes: public interf...

2 hours later…
@Wutz Well, I asked this question because it did bother me (and my colleagues) in real code :) Our main issue is code reviews: If a change in one line triggers 7 more lines to change, it can become very cumbersome (and error prone) to spot the actual change in a diff view. But you are certainly right: These formatting issues are just a symptom of bad design. And we do want to change the design, and for doing that, easy to spot changes cannot be harmful :) — sebrockm just now

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