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REFRESH! There are 5574 unanswered questions (92.8148 answered)
14 hours later…
Q: LeetCode 39. Combination Sum - python list references yield different results in backtrack?

oliviaI am doing leetcode 39. Combination Sum.: Given an array of distinct integers candidates and a target integer target, return a list of all unique combinations of candidates where the chosen numbers sum to target. You may return the combinations in any order. The same number may be chosen from c...

2 hours later…
Q: Simulating people talking to each other in a network

farrow90I have this network graph in R: library(igraph) set.seed(123) n <- 20 g <- sample_gnm(n, m = n * 2, directed = FALSE) while (!is_connected(g)) { # Find disconnected components components <- components(g) for (i in 2:components$no) { from <- sample(which(components$mem...

1 hour later…
I am a "good citizen" of math.SE and tex.SE but new to codereview.SE. My first attempted post runs into a known problem. With less than 50 reputations on codereview, you apparently cannot include both LaTex (MathJax) and code in your question. (The LaTex is considered "code that is not properly formatted as code.") Is there any escape from this?
@TMurphy Post the question without the code and give me a link to a pastebin/Gist and I'll add the code for you.
@Zeta Seems like the solution is always "post the system is messing with you and someone will edit to fix the problem"
@Peilonrayz Most likely, aye...
Been a while since I joined the 2nd. Hope you're all well.
Brains!!!! cough I mean, welcome back!
Thank you, thank you. Time to get those zombies 👍
@Peilonrayz How about if I just convert the LaTex to code (temporarily looking like unformatted LaTex), and post with a request that a moderator/reviewer "uncode" those blocks?
@TMurphy Anything which works is fine with me
@Peilonrayz Thank you!
No worries, sorry for the delay
Q: Calculating Zeros of the Zeta Function - Floating Point Issues

TMurphyNOTE to Moderator/Reviewer. I do not have enough reputations to post a question that includes LaTex (MathJax). To post, I temporarily marked my 5 LaTex display equations as code, so they now show as unformatted LaTex. Can you "un-code" those 5 LaTex display equations so they appear as formatted ...

4 hours later…
Q: Check whether two Strings are anagrams of each other - then print all anagrams

AndrewBailey I should write a CLI through which two Strings can be read in. These two Strings should be checked for whether they are anagrams of each other For both Strings, I should give out all their possible anagrams. To avoid repetition, I only give out the anagrams for both of them if they are not alrea...

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