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You can install Azure DevOps on an in house network. I personally like it for managing work items, browsing code, code reviews via Pull Requests, and pipelines are all generally simple to setup — 2189490 24 secs ago
REFRESH! There are 6711 unanswered questions (91.3124 answered)
4 hours later…
Q: Fixing the update problem in concurrent request in ASP.NET Web API 2

raysefoI am working on an ASP.NET Web API 2 project with .NET Framework 4.6.2. When I send two concurrent requests with the same parameters from Postman, only one record is updated in the database, even though there should be two. I have included screenshots of the Postman requests and the table after t...

4 hours later…
Q: Using async websockets in Rust with tokio, rmp-serde and varint encoding

SebastianThis is my first attempt at a real life app in Rust. I would mostly like to know if I am writing idiomatic Rust code, coming from Java and Python. I'll appreciate any pointers to improvements, though. The code uses tokio_tungstenite to receive messages from a websocket server asynchronously. The ...

This question is more suited for Code ReviewSebastian Kaczmarek 49 secs ago
@Mast Ah ... I did not pay attention to that :) Thanks
Since your code is working, check Code Review, it seems a better fit for your question. — Chaosfire 18 secs ago
3 hours later…
This is more suitable for CodeReview. That sais there is a lot that can be improved — buran 23 secs ago
For those comments done so far. It is more trying to check if my understanding of how to get classes to work together is on the correct track or not. Cheers for the code review hint, I think that really is a better place for something more theortical. — user23044956 43 secs ago
Since this isn't really valid as an answer (since this is opinion-based and would belong on Code Review), here's what I'd do as a gist – just plain functions: gist.github.com/akx/e7d085fcdd03d1943a896b399c439990AKX 21 secs ago
For anyone arriving here after migrating to Django 5.0 and facing a 405 Method Not Allowed error, please note that as of this version, the LogoutView (from django.contrib.auth.views) no longer accepts GET requests (POST only). See here for more details and here for the explanation. — scūriolus 50 secs ago
For anyone arriving here after migrating to Django 5.0 and facing a 405 Method Not Allowed error, please note that as of this version, the LogoutView (from django.contrib.auth.views) no longer accepts GET requests (POST only). See here for more details and here for the explanation. — scūriolus 18 secs ago
For anyone arriving here after migrating to Django 5.0 and facing a 405 Method Not Allowed error, please note that as of this version, the LogoutView (from django.contrib.auth.views) no longer accepts GET requests (POST only). See here for more details and here for the explanation. — scūriolus 30 secs ago
@ChrisMM the datasets i will test the model on will not take a lot of space, should i move the question to stack exchange code review? — Niccolò Tiezzi 24 secs ago
For codereview, please excuse my miss understanding in advance. That would be just changing the tags when asking a question? I would like to be more aware of how to approach the platform without wasting people's time. — user23044956 8 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Declaring type definition once for all variables

NerdvanTo avoid the use of magic numbers, I created a static class to store some integer values that are represented inside a database. I avoided using enums because I need to cast them every time I use them. To benefit from the clean approach of enums while also enjoying the type definition offered by ...

Code reviews are off-topic here. Is there any specific problem you want to ask about? — jps 49 secs ago
Consider positing this on the Code Review Stack Exchange instead. — Ben Grossmann 45 secs ago
@Ben ... but first read their How to Ask page since they work differently to Stack Overflow. — wjandrea 46 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Abcd on question by Abcd: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288252/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Abcd on question by Abcd: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288252/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Abcd on question by Abcd: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288252/revisions
Q: C++ template function specialisation within class template

KonchogI have three (legacy) classes called storage, list_storage, storage_storage. All of them use some form of <map string, TYPE>. It seems like a good idea to write some template code to wrap them together. There are about 30 methods all told, and a very few private objects. Very many of the methods ...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by Michael on question by Michael: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288179/revisions
@Duga rolled back and commented
@Duga I believe it is just example usage added so it appears to be okay
@radarbob I haven't made any changes which would change the context of my question. I just provided example. — Abcd 2 hours ago
that came in response to a user requesting example usage for context:
This lacks context. Can you also show example code where you use a TransactionType? Also, any reason why you did not make them const? I wonder if your resistance on casting to an enum to an int is more a lack of understanding on your part. Example usage code will be a big help in getting quality answers. — Rick Davin 3 hours ago
possible answer invalidation by Michael on question by Michael: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288179/revisions
Q: Disable Anonymous Contributions

PeilonrayzNote: Due to my position as a moderator I can't comment or point to specifics, which greatly obfuscates the validity of my question. The moderator team has been brought aware of certain irregularities around anonymous/unregistered contributions. We feel the situation is causing unneeded work for ...

@Feeds @BillalBegueradj @pacmaninbw You may be interesting in the above meta post
Code reviews have a site of their own: codereview.stackexchange.comFriedrich 26 secs ago
Q: String represents a road. One character travels on the road obeying the stops - Code challenge (advent.js day 5)

Sofia ChardinThis is my code to solve the 5th Adventjs challenge. In that link you can read the instructions. How can I improve it? It's a bit messy... and I'm repeating some part of the code. All must be in just one function function cyberReindeer(road, time) { // Code here let theRoad = road; let ro...

1 hour later…
I’m voting to close this question because it is asking to improve working code - ask on Code Review. follow the rules over there. — Daniel A. White 43 secs ago
I disagree that this question should go to Code Review, it's asking a specific programming question about minimising size of an object. — Yksisarvinen 15 secs ago
I didn't realize code review was a thing Ill close this question and ask it on there. — Xuul 14 secs ago
@Xuul don't ask on code review right away. Make absolutely certain it a good fit by reading through the help center and then make any adjustments necessary. A very specific place, Code Review. — user4581301 38 secs ago
Q: Logger for a Game Engine

XuulSo I'm making a logger for a program and it has 6 levels increasing severity and things I don't think its as memory efficient as it could be but I'm just getting into c++ and memory coding. I feel like if I want to put it in a file I cant view it with a text editor using something like JSON or XM...

possible answer invalidation by Sofia Chardin on question by Sofia Chardin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288257/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sofia Chardin on question by Sofia Chardin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288257/revisions
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Your comment's link is broken
possible answer invalidation by Sofia Chardin on question by Sofia Chardin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288257/revisions
@Duga rbac
possible answer invalidation by Sofia Chardin on question by Sofia Chardin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288257/revisions

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