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12:13 AM
REFRESH! There are 7043 unanswered questions (90.8899 answered)
2 hours later…
2:28 AM
Q: Optimize a Python code which indicates duplicated values in an excel file

peternishI wrote this code to indicate duplicated values. It actually works but I hope to know if there's another possible solution to optimize this process. Thanks. import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog import pandas as pd import numpy as np // load excel file def load_excel(): global d...

3 hours later…
5:02 AM
Q: Increasing values in Python Ursina

Unchartedfrom ursina import * app = Ursina() window.color = color.rgb(70, 0, 128) gold = 0 gold_counter = Text(Text="0", scale=2, origin=(0, 0), background=True) Button_1 = Button(text="+", color=color.rgb(0, 190, 0), scale=.2, x=-0.55) Button_1.text_entity.scale *= 4 Button_2 = Button(text="Start", c...

7 hours later…
12:01 PM
Please give us an actual minimal reproducible example if you want help, but you may want codereview.stackexchange.com (but please review their rules before posting there) — DavidG 19 secs ago
@DavidG This question will be off-topic on Code Review. There isn't enough context for a code review. — pacmaninbw 9 secs ago
4 hours later…
4:08 PM
4:47 PM
However, since the code works, this might be a better question for Code Review. — mykaf 7 secs ago
@mykaf when suggesting users post on CR it would be great if there was also a suggestion like "Please read the relevant help center pages like 'What topics can I ask about here?' and 'How do I ask a good question?". In the current form the code above would likely be closed as off-topic because it is missing context. — Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 24 secs ago
5:41 PM
Even better - don't cram all those pre- and post-increment operators into that one line of code. That code will fail most code reviews because it's more complex than necessary, and therefore harder to read and maintain for no good reason. — Andrew Henle 11 secs ago
2 hours later…
7:27 PM
Q: Making an input validator function

globalturistI'm making an input validator function that is inspired by @JDługosz from the following post so that other new c++ programmers can just plug it into their code for easy input validation. I have made it with a little deviation regarding the predicates and everything works perfectly! The problem is...

3 hours later…
10:00 PM
Q: Metronome app with GUI

dg0802I have a working metronome app with a GUI, built using Python. I use an Android app called Pro Metronome which I like, and I wanted to build a simplified version of it as a project. My goal was to have accurate timing (including actively correcting for drift due to integer truncation), and to hav...

Q: OCaml ASCII grid creation

pixus nixusI've created an OCaml function which generates an ASCII grid with a specified cell size and number of cells per row. A grid with a cell size of 2 (chars) and a number of 3 cells per row looks as following: +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+ | | | | | ...

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