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12:13 AM
REFRESH! There are 7046 unanswered questions (90.8856 answered)
12:24 AM
Sorry ... but while + does what you say, most Java programmers are not aware of this clever trick. The more idiomatic way to write this in Java is to call equals explicitly. (Hint: I'd give this "trick" a red-mark if I encountered it in a code review.) — Stephen C 48 secs ago
5 hours later…
5:29 AM
You need to ask it here: codereview.stackexchange.comm4n0 32 secs ago
1 hour later…
6:56 AM
7:16 AM
This might be more suitable for Code Review. — InSync 47 secs ago
7:50 AM
Q: Avoid code duplication of loop in Python's if statement and isinstance

zaelcovskyI have a script - generator that accepts a file name or file object and a list of search words as input. The generator searches through the lines of the file and returns only those lines (the whole line) where at least one of the search words is found. from io import TextIOBase from typing import...

3 hours later…
10:48 AM
Q: More efficent solution to find the amount of time taken for one or more planets to line up with the earth a certain amount of times

Zareef AkoodieI have attempted the bellow question, however my solution is too slow(It does not fit the 2 second time constrain for java) could anybody help optimise this solution While at IOI 2020 in Singapore, you decide to go outside one night and look up at the stars. At exactly midnight you observe a brig...

11:26 AM
possible answer invalidation by K Y on question by K Y: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287260/revisions
possible answer invalidation by K Y on question by K Y: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287260/revisions
possible answer invalidation by K Y on question by K Y: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287260/revisions
2 hours later…
1:21 PM
Q: yet another number of islands

Martin Franki learn python and i am at beginner level in python TL`DR i did NOT read the other questions concerning this topic since i try to learn python and therefore need to do the same stoopid errors others have done to improve my knowlegde. And since i know other things than the other OPs is my code som...

1:36 PM
If you are looking for a code review, there's a specific site for that Code Review. — Jorn just now
@Duga Rolled back and commented.
I’m voting to close this question because this belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comjhamon 56 secs ago
This question does belong on code review, but, before posting on Code Review please read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users and How do I ask a good question?pacmaninbw 31 secs ago
It seems to me this question is more suited to be asked in the Code Review Forum. Code Review is a question and answer site for peer programmer code reviews. Please read the relevant guidance related to how to properly ask questions on this site before posting your question. — itprorh66 1 min ago
2:18 PM
This seems like a question that would be better for CodeReviewWJS just now
2:28 PM
Such "how do I do this better?" questions are better suited to the Code Review site. — Scott Hunter 54 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Code Review. — Scott Hunter 17 secs ago
3:06 PM
@Scott You are just throuwing the OP in a catch 22 thing. " you should provide the way you tried to do it" . The OP then posts a naive way, it is the only way he can thnk of, nut he asking for a different approah altogether, you can't just say " now you have it working, so it is a code review question" .The OP intent is quite clear, and answers discussing different approaches to the problem belong here, — jsbueno 48 secs ago
3:36 PM
4:20 PM
5:09 PM
Q: Code reuse in Excel's Power Query accessing MySQL

Vitor CanovaI have the following pseudo code running in My SQL Workbench and Excel's Power Query: select '1234', '4321' Keep in mind that my actual query has about 100 lines (4200 characters) and I use this '1234' along many places. So I tried to parametrize it. In Workbench it looks like: SET @param = '123...

5:35 PM
Q: Find All Recent Winners and Calculate an Encoding of What They Won

J. MiniContext I was proud of this code for a little while, but the repetition wounds me. I know that the function name sucks, but the name and interface to this function are not under my control. Performance is not a concern. Note that this must be an inline table-valued function. Fixing the repetition...

5:47 PM
@POQDavid So, the phrasing you are using "did it right" and "implemented it correctly" indicate some "wrong" or "incorrect" way of doing it that introduces some kind of problem. So far, you haven't described what problem you are concerned with. So any response we could give would be just our opinions, which is frowned upon here (and why Ian recommended the Code Review site above--they offer individual opinionated reviews of how to improve all aspects of code). — TylerH 23 secs ago
2 hours later…
7:18 PM
2 hours later…
9:36 PM
possible answer invalidation by Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ on question by Christopher Fimbel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287297/revisions
@Duga I re-opened that post and it needed a little cleaning up. The title wasn't describing what the code does. The OP stated the compiler was complaining but didn't make it clear that it was just a warning.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ I don't really see why this was closed. The code runs exactly as intended, but gets TypeScript warnings. TypeScript has (mostly) nothing to do with actual runtime behavior. — Christopher Fimbel 52 mins ago
possible answer invalidation by Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ on question by Christopher Fimbel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287297/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ on question by Christopher Fimbel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287297/revisions
10:13 PM
Stack Overflow is intended for specific questions related to programming. For code review, try asking on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Locke 43 secs ago
@Duga It makes sense but I haven't heard/seen that adjective used much before: crackability
> I'm interested in ways that I can make this difficult to derive a pattern from the codes it generates in an effort to reduce crackability
I’m voting to close this question because this question belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comJim Garrison 29 secs ago
10:55 PM
@CaptainObvious OP proposed tag back in March - can I make that a synonym of ? It already has synonyms functional and higher-order-functions
Q: Best practices for generating registration codes

John AldrichLooking for a best practices and security analysis of some code I've written to generate registration codes and avoid duplicates. The class assigns numeric values to the letters A-Z and 0-9 and then uses that mapping to generate 16 character codes that must conform to the following parameters: Co...

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