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12:13 AM
REFRESH! There are 7043 unanswered questions (90.8889 answered)
12:50 AM
Asking for a code review is off topic for Stack Overflow. — trincot 12 secs ago
1:08 AM
You might want to check out our sister site Code Review. — InSync 45 secs ago
7 hours later…
8:41 AM
possible answer invalidation by J. Mini on question by J. Mini: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287266/revisions
possible answer invalidation by J. Mini on question by J. Mini: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287266/revisions
possible answer invalidation by J. Mini on question by J. Mini: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/287266/revisions
2 hours later…
10:40 AM
Q: Bubble Sort as extension to Swift-Arrays

michael.zechTask description: Implement an extension for Array, which sorts the elements using the Bubble Sort-algorithm. My implementation: extension Array where Element: Comparable { mutating func bubbleSort() -> Array { var i = 0 var j = 0 while i < self.count - 1 { ...

3 hours later…
1:10 PM
@Duga Rolled back and commented.
1:31 PM
This question is likely to find a warmer reception at codereview.stackexchange.com. — Ian Kemp 21 secs ago
2:03 PM
Q: Faster chess engine in python (with move ordering algorithm?)

pjq42I, an amateur coder, have been trying to code a chess engine with python as part of a larger research project. I started by following this tutorial (turns out creator of said tutorial has a github of the project) for the GUI and move handling, but I am trying to code the AI/evaluator myself. I ha...

2:28 PM
Apart from your question here, consider submitting your code to codereview.stackexchange.com, read their site guidelines first though! Point is, there are a few things to improve outside of your question. That said, put your code in triple backticks followed by the language to get the proper syntax highlighting here. I already tweaked that for you. — Ulrich Eckhardt just now
3:05 PM
3:19 PM
Q: Client disconnection and reconnection in C# NamedPipeServerStream

poqdavidI have written a C# .NET code that utilizes NamedPipeServerStream to send and receive data. My goal is to ensure that when a client disconnects, the server waits and then establishes a new connection when the client reconnects. The code seems to work in my initial tests, but since I'm new to this...

4:18 PM
2 hours later…
5:58 PM
Why? This isn't code review. I'm not asking for coding help. — Shishir Oneal 25 secs ago
6:17 PM
Q: Mocking hardware related library

Dead1nsideI'm having my first attempt at test driven development using Google Test and Google Mock, writing my Arduino project. I wanted to create a common interface for my stepper motor drivers, something like this: class IStepperDriver { public: virtual void toggleOn() = 0; virtual void toggleOff...

1 hour later…
7:33 PM
Q: How can I fix TypeScript complaining about `this` in a currying function?

Christopher FimbelThis is a interview practice question from BFE.dev. Currying is a useful technique used in JavaScript applications. Please implement a curry() function, which accepts a function and return a curried one. The solution is pretty simple, but when implementing it with TypeScript the compiler will c...

2 hours later…
9:20 PM
Sounds like a job for codereview.stackexchange.com rather than Stack Overflow. — Basil Bourque 9 secs ago
10:06 PM
Q: Tiny portion of Git wire protocol implemented in Go

chxI wanted to upgrade a remote reference in a remote git repository (without a local checkout) much like ssh git update-ref but gitlab doesn't allow me running that. So I wrote this little Go utility which does it byte-by-byte. It's surprisingly little code and as far as I can tell, it works correc...

10:30 PM

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