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@Juraj thanks for the note. I was curious. Was it a bot, or is that info private?
1 hour later…
@josecanuc I don't know. I discovered that user some months ago while I randomly visited the Voters tab in Users section. I remembered it this Monday when I saw the "User removed" entries checking a hunch that top users have somehow less points. Later I read some SE Meta questions and answers about user deletion. Only a socket-puppet account would be deleted this way. I lost only 10 points. Peter Bloomfield didn't lost a point. His last answer is 4 years old.
Interesting. Why would SE even be a target for sock puppet accounts?
1 hour later…
@josecanuc to support own answers? and hide this from detection by upvoting really good answers of top users?
Sure, but for valueless internet points? What's to gain?
@josecanuc Search Enging Optimization, it's possible that search engines value highly voted Q&As more than low vote count pages
and SE puts actual value to the internet point with the moderation privileges they provide
The internet is so funny

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