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Q: Why does filling up a large char array cause a crash? (ESP8266)

Daavee18Here's the code in question: void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(); char test[5000]; int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(test)-1; i++) { test[i] = 'x'; Serial.println(i); } Serial.println("Going to print string: "); test[i]='\0'; Serial.println(test); } v...

11 hours later…
Q: How do I find the whole number (n) that when multiplied by (m) will be closest to (x)?

AJ_SmoothieI've designed an apparatus that uses stepper motors, and they are linked together so that when armature A turns, it consequently moves armature B by a ratio of 1/4. In order to keep armature B in the same position, for every 4 steps stepper A takes, I need stepper B to take 1 step. I want to "round"

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