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@NicolasChabanovsky banners on spanish are on! but a user reported that one of them links to the wrong answer :(
@gbianchi Hey! Could you please tell me what banners point to wrong answers?
@NicolasChabanovsky yes!! gimme a sec...
in Stack Overflow en español, 3 hours ago, by lois6b
lleva a https://es.meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/3761/consejos-sobre-c%C3%B3mo-usar-e‌​l-sitio/3762#3762 teniendo que llevar a https://es.meta.stackoverflow.com/a/3763/15855
first is the link, and is wrong.. it should take you to the second one...
I checked what I have sent to colleagues and it seems a mistake somewhere else. I ping the marketing team. I hope they will fix it fast. Thank you a lot =)
I hope banners will bring a lot of attention to the site =)
@NicolasChabanovsky great... :) mkt has a way to check about it? or SEDE has info about that?
1 hour later…
hello! I was about to say the same xD
@NicolasChabanovsky I refreshed the page multiple times and they always point to the same answer:

- No agregues respuestas... -> https://es.meta.stackoverflow.com/a/3762/
- Tengo una duda... -> https://es.meta.stackoverflow.com/a/3762/
- No tengo reputación... -> https://es.meta.stackoverflow.com/a/3762/

Also, my answer never appeared, maybe it was bad luck
@NicolasChabanovsky also, do the banners appear to any user? or just certain audiences?
@NicolasChabanovsky The user that reported the problem (original report) was @lois6b, but he was to shy to come here and tell you about it :p
@gbianchi it was obvious as you shared my comment in the other chat
@lois6b :p
@lois6b I don't want to hurt anyones feeling... :p
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (86): ХозяИн, но хозяЕва — почему? by Трололо on rus.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in title (62): NoSuchElementException ✏️ by Alberto on es.stackoverflow.com

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