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@NicolasChabanovsky good morning!
did you get response by Shog9 on this:
Jan 11 at 12:22, by Nicolas Chabanovsky
It might be possible, though. I just want to say that I have not seen such cases before. I asked Shog9 about it. Let's see what he says.
this is regarding my request to get a notification when somebody tags python*, since the questions of Python without the tag python keep growing:
- https://es.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python-2.7+-python
- https://es.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python-3.x+-python
1 hour later…
@fedorqui Hi! I apologise. My fault. I did get a response from Shog
> no easy way to trigger a warning when, say, python-2 exists but not also when python-2 and python exist. Can do a warning for python-* easily enough, but it'll still fire if they add [python]
Sorry, that I have not responded earlier.
@NicolasChabanovsky no problem man!
@NicolasChabanovsky do you think it is a good idea? Just as a pop up with a reminder "use [python] bla bla...". I think it can work well
@fedorqui I do not understand how to set up it =(.
The system uses a regexp. If the regexp returns true, the system does not allow to post a question and shows a warning instead.
I cannot understand how to set up the system so it works according to the request on meta. Could you please tell me if you have any ideas?
@NicolasChabanovsky from what I see, the system allows either to show a warning or an error
for example for the word "ayuda" (=help) we have a warning. See es.stackoverflow.com/questions/… and click out of the title. For example there is a question with this word in the title (es.stackoverflow.com/q/232596/83) which means it is just a warning and does not prevent things to happen
@fedorqui Could one submit a question if they see a waring?
@NicolasChabanovsky yes, AFAIK
Interesting. I think I missed something.
g3rv4 kept a list of all the rules that are implemented in es.meta.stackoverflow.com/q/3299/83
so I assume they are somewhere like es.stackoverflow.com/admin/blacklist
Hi @Shog9! Could you please help us understand what is possible what is not?
5 hours later…
@NicolasChabanovsky ok, so... Here's a quick run-down
There are two types of blacklists: warnings and blocks, with block being the default.
Each blacklist entry has the following options:
- Type (warning/block)
- Scope (what it applies to)
- Pattern (a regex that determines when the blacklist applies)
- Message (what information is given to the person whose content matches the blacklist)
Scope can be one of: Titles, Post Bodies, Tags (matched individually), Comment text, Display Name, Flag text
Not all of those support both types of blacklists; Comments for example don't support warnings.
So for example, you can block a tag and then no-one can use it. Or you can put a warning on a tag (or pattern that matches multiple tags) and the message will be displayed to the user who tries to post or edit with such a tag in place but without actually blocking them from posting.
But there's no way to say "block this tag if this other tag is not present", or "warn about tags matching this pattern unless other tags matching another pattern are present"
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (53): Como faço para arredondar um valor de 39,54 para 39 by Arte Sintonia on pt.stackoverflow.com
That's an example of a tag warning
@Shog9 uhhh I like that for python and sql...
SQL warning on SO:
so slow is imgur
so very painfully slow
@Shog9 we already have it on SO esp over SQL...
good job
@Shog9 Gervasio did this for us.. but I think @fedorqui wants a new aproach on [tag:python]

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