Could you please clarify what did you compare? QPD versus visits/day?
If so, I think another option to look at the situation might be comparing number of questions on a site and visits per day. QPD says how active the community, but most of traffic goes from search engines, which usually compared in terms of content on the site (how many and what quality).
Could you please tell if I get your question right? What do you think?
translation has been added, could you pull it when possible?
@NicolasChabanovsky well I was comparing mainly questions/day with visits/day. For example SOru has 10 times less visits than SU, while having the same amount of questions/day
@fedorqui All strings were imported earlier (I do not see anything to import).
I think from questions/day versus visits/day perspective our international sites are very good because some percentage of those who visit, ask questions. It seems to me there cannot be a connection in the opposite direction, i.e. if users start asking more over a day, it will not cause a lot of visitors the same day.
Could you please tell me if I get your question right?
@NicolasChabanovsky well I think it is great to have such amount of questions by day, but I think it needs also a better SEO to get more users, which will make more voting for example
Me he fijado en que muchas preguntas contienen títulos del tipo "ayuda con X" o "Y no me funciona", etc.
Creo que debemos mejorar esta parte: el espacio del título es muy reducido y todo lo que no es imprescindible, acaba siendo ruido. Para mí, sobra, vaya. Además, un título con mala descripción...
in Spanish.SE we get quite a lot of visits and I think partly because we work hard on this. Then the problem is that just a small portion of visitors end up registering
I think we really need people to enforce guidelines. That is, people worried about tags, titles and content so that questions are not repeated but marked as duplicated, tags are created and used properly, etc. In Spanish.SE we tend to feature these kind of Meta posts to get more attention on them