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6:46 AM
@BESW I say those things too, it's great!
And that sounds good. ;)
@BESW this is just the kind of reason I wanted zex to show up in next session for
7:12 AM
i realised just now stellata would be the one to be in an escape vehicle, and when they start getting shot at, ask where the jet booster is. "what do you mean there isn't a jet booster!?"
probably having had more exposure to weird cars than normal ones.
"what about the laser cannons? no laser cannons? next you will say we don't have brakes or airbags,... we do have those? where are our priorities?"
driver: "we do have priorities - safety first!"
[several shots puncture the roof]
stellata: "we'd be a lot safer with the laser cannons and jet boosters!"
7:38 AM
Jessie: "Y'all chill, I got this. Hand me a wrench and hold my legs."
[thirty seconds later...] "Okie-dokie! Yer radio's hooked to the jet booster, just don't go to FM."
15 hours later…
10:54 PM
Speech note: Jessie uses similies like "more [adjective] than a [alien] in [situation]."
"That's sadder'n a wet Martian."
"Funnier than a Piscene doing a two-step."
I'm giving her a kind of stereotypical "rural America" speech pattern, but an air of well-traveled galactic experience. And pumping her general enthusiasm about life up toward Pinkie Pie.
11:10 PM
@BESW I just read that message from yesterday about Jessie and laughed. And now I'm wondering if a cyborg dragon technically counts as a vehicle...
11:26 PM
@doppelgreener Does he give piggyback rides?
In all seriousness, he's got a jetpack. Jetpacks are explicitly vehicles for the purposes of the ARRPG Vehicles skill.
11:44 PM
So, I think that Sworn to uphold Galactic Law and Daredevil and Dashing probably sufficiently cover the "kicking ass for the good of all" end of her character.
Her Omega aspect can be something totally different that fleshes out her character.
I'll leave it blank, I guess.

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