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12:34 AM
With the whitespace being important, I immediately thought "ahah, Whitespace", but there's not nearly enough there. Then I thought a 2D language which uses the boundaries, so I tried Wumpus and Alice, but nada. Am I on the right track with 2D languages with unusual topologies?
2 hours later…
2:22 AM
@JoKing Sorry for late reply. No, it's not a 2D language.
I wouldn't give away "spaces are significant" as the first hint if the hidden language were Whitespace :P
13 hours later…
3:43 PM
Cracked, working on next cop
A cryptographic proof, cause why not: 28f7f7f64b4fd2f9a3fa07d8f8b9b1af20f3d8a30311548b210f7708ab28beb3
2 hours later…
5:20 PM
Posted new answer. (printf 'https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/82992/overlapping-polyglots Z80Golf 8AqpV2G0QHvIRmBH8cPFjw==' | sha256sum)
5 hours later…
10:07 PM
@NieDzejkob Wait what? I tried Z80Golf. It just prints a load of newlines?
10:17 PM
@JoKing Same here. Now I tried CRLF newlines. This still doesn't work.
Note tio does input with xxd for Z80Golf github.com/TryItOnline/tryitonline/blob/….
tio.run/…. with normal line feeds
10:51 PM
@jslip Line feeds should be 0a, not 0d, and your link has two redundant spaces too.
Here is the correct TIO input.
Oh... Copy/paste error I guess. Thanks

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