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3 messages moved to ­Trash
3 messages moved from Stack Apps
6 hours later…
Q: Openstack liberty nova list command error 401

Mario Proi have problem with nova list in my openstack liberty. nova list returns error 401 Unauthorized. every other service that openstack liberty uses is working correctly they communicate correctly with keystone. Only nova is giving problems, and im stuck. i cannot start the vms. setup im running nova...

4 hours later…
/imagine interesting dependencies of numbers between their decimal and hexadecimal representations
I'm going to use this prompt instead: Illustrate an image representing the interaction between numbers and their decimal and hexadecimal representations. Show a series of numbers in their decimal format, and depict their corresponding hexadecimal representations. Use colors and design elements to showcase the fascinating patterns and relationships that can emerge from this conversion process.
Beautiful nonsense
4 messages moved from Thinking Out Loud

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