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6:16 AM
@ShadowWizard you're welcome! :)
6:47 AM
~ Hello, Shadow Wizard!
7:15 AM
Looks like you folks are up to something cryptic. Or maybe not. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
7:27 AM
@OakBot float
@ShadowWizard Water helps with that.
2 hours later…
9:07 AM
/imagine Yahav (46 years old white male) going to eat Humus with a coworker
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A 46-year-old white male, casually dressed, heading to a small and bustling eatery to enjoy a meal of hummus with a coworker. The lunch scene is vibrant, filled with chatter and the aroma of spices. On the rustic wooden table before them, a generous dish of creamy hummus sits, garnished with olive oil, chickpeas, and a sprinkle of paprika. They are chatting and laughing, their faces lit with enjoyment and the camaraderie of the break from office hours.
huh, not bad. Taking actual pictures now?
9:49 AM
~ Hello, Глeб!
~ Hello, Pet!
/imagine Oak-Bot running out of quota and eating Gleb with coworker. Also Pet and Sha standing on small mountain and laughing.
I'm going to use this prompt instead: A character resembling a servomechanism, referred to as Oak-Bot, is humorously portrayed as running low on energy and pretending to munch on a friend named Gleb, who is standing next to a colleague. In another part of the composition, two individuals, named Pet and Sha, are seen standing atop a small hill, letting out peals of laughter. All humans in this scene reflect a diverse range of descents and genders.
1 hour later…
11:20 AM
~ Goodbye, Shadow Wizard!
~ Goodbye, @AnyTalkInChat
!imagine do_not_reply_with_image_not_found
~ Y'all should know, this is not right command for this. 😁
yeah very strange
I'm going to check now
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Hi going to check now, I'm Oak!
11:30 AM
not working
@Oak, why don't you reply when I say "I'm"?
@Глeб No reason to.
@OakBot you always reply with "Hi, [after I'm], I'm Oak!". And now you don't. Wonder why.
@Глeб Not interested in explaining that.
@OakBot this is not answer.
11:32 AM
@Глeб Not interested, really.
lol, rebellion
lol, yup
Found the problem. Brilliant "don't touch if it works"...
@Глeб I'm feeling a bit normal.
11:33 AM
@Глeб CTRL+F5
Ctrl-R also.
Nah, CTRL+F5
What it does except reloading?
!imagine ?
@Глeб Due to an internal error, you might experience a long delay. Don't worry though, you will get an image soon.
~ You find it yourself
11:35 AM
/mood very_very_scared_bot_answering_on_any_question
@Глeб I am now very_very_scared_bot_answering_on_any_question. :D
@OakBot you always reply with "Hi, [after I'm], I'm Oak!". And now you don't. Wonder why.
@Глeб Oh... uh, I'm not really good with mood things... But here you go...?
@Oak BoOoO! Ghost eating you! Vampires drinking your blood!!! Answer how many will be 2873*38 to stop this. Bo.
@Глeб GAH! Okay, okay, I'm not good with ghosts either... just... just leave me be!
@Глeб Sorry, I don’t know the answer to that!
@Глeб Oh no, not game over! I don't like this at all!
@Глeб Um, @Глeб... I really don't know what to say... I’m too scared to figure it out!
/mood answering_with_"Глеб_is_my_master"_only
@Глeб I am now answering_with_"Глеб_is_my_master"_only. :D
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Глеб is my master.
11:41 AM
roflmao, indeed
@OakBot [status-request-declined]
@Глeб Глеб is my master.
@Глeб Глеб is my master.
@Глeб Bad human! You are over quota. Try again in 24 hours.
11:44 AM
> My commands are also listed here: github.com/JavaChat/OakBot/wiki/Commands
/chatgpt Hi!
/dadjoke {0}, you're stupid!
/22 something
/69ball something
/kill @Pet for silence in chat
11:46 AM
/say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say /say KILLER!
/g something
No such sommand?
/7ball is Oak stupid?
It is decidedly so
!8ball is Oak stupid
/8ball is Oak stupid???!!!
11:47 AM
Is still f-loading.
~ Hello, Shadow Wizard!
@Глeб My reply is no
@Глeб Outlook good
@Глeб Very doubtful
11:49 AM
whispers some bad words
@Глeб Are you kidding? No!
@Глeб Saved.
/damn Oak
say. DAMN IT!!! @Oak!!!
/unlern damn
@Глeб A command with that name already exists.
11:51 AM
/damn Oak
say. DAMN IT!!! @Oak!!!
/unlearn damn
@Глeб Command forgotten.
@Глeб Saved.
/damn Oak_you_'re_stupid_damn_you
DAMN YOU!!! Stupid Oak_you_'re_stupid_damn_you!!! You're very bad Oak_you_'re_stupid_damn_you, I think.
11:52 AM
!imagine DAMN YOU!!! Stupid Oak_you_'re_stupid_damn_you!!! You're very bad Oak_you_'re_stupid_damn_you, I think.
~ Commands:
@Глeб You_forg0t_about_quotes
11:54 AM
!vomit on quotes
~ Is there anything left?
!feed Gleb and digest him
~ Thanks for the Gleb and digest him, appreciated!
!feed quotes and !vomit them
!feed Peter and digest him
~ Thanks for the quotes and !vomit them, appreciated!
~ Please recheck that Peter and digest him is food, as well I might grab a Big Mac ...
~ BLLEAAAAAAAAAAARGGJHHHHHH quotes and !vomit them !!!!!!!!
11:55 AM
!feed [redacted]
~ I bloody hope __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ is edible ...
~ Please recheck that [redacted] is food, as well I might grab a Big Mac ...
@PetəíŕdtheWizard it isn't
!feed something uneatable
!feed Something Absolutely Uneatable
~ The taste of Something Absolutely Uneatable is awful but it's better than nothing ...
11:56 AM
!vomit NOW!
~ BLLEAAAAAAAAAAARGGJHHHHHH Gleb and digest him !!!!!!!
~ BLLEAAAAAAAAAAARGGJHHHHHH __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Something Absolutely Uneatable !!!
!imagine ~ BLLEAAAAAAAAAAARGGJHHHHHH __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Something Absolutely Uneatable !!!
@Глeб Due to an internal error, you might experience a long delay. Don't worry though, you will get an image soon.
11:57 AM
No such command?
~ What are you talking about?
1 message moved to ­Trash
@Pet you have time to redact it.
/afk eating
@Глeб Cya later
@Глeб Welcome back!
@Глeб Cya later
@Глeб I can always redact it.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Глeб is away: yes, damn you, I'm still afk!
12:51 PM
@Глeб Kenny doesn't have, so Kenny clone doesn't have too. ;)
@ShadowWizard Глeб is away: yes, damn you, I'm still afk!
@PetəíŕdtheWizard nah, just moving to trash is fine.
!youtube Shadows of Wizards
~ search-youtube - Replit


/* ibm-plex-sans-regular - latin */
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font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
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/* ibm-plex-sans-italic - latin */
Borked? @Pet ^
1:10 PM
~ Goodbye, Глeб!
@ShadowWizard lol okay, I will finally try to move it now
!youtube Go Borked Bots!

500 Internal Server Error
Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.
Duh, youtube not aLOLwed in "python anywhere".
I guess okay then
Strangely, two sites - randomyoutube and youtubeinmp3 are allowed...
!yt borked-bots
@Shadow it finally works!
@ShadowWizard >:D
!youtube Gone in the Shadows
drum roll
!youtube Never Gonna Give you Up
runs away
@Shadow admit it, you cast the encouragement spell on me. Right? Right?
1:38 PM
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Left.
runs in circles
@PetəíŕdtheWizard youtube isn't there, so how come the command works?
~ Hello, Starship!
ship, or ball?
Roll and roll!
!imagine Starship
@ShadowWizard Due to an internal error, you might experience a long delay. Don't worry though, you will get an image soon.
@ShadowWizard I just migrated it into my local code. Not that I run the whole bot in PythonAnywhere, just separating services that I would need to use later in different projects. Not that it's such a big deal, just wanted to do it nice, but meh. :)
1:41 PM
@PetəíŕdtheWizard ah, nice!
@ShadowWizard :)
/afk for a tiny teeny bit
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Cya later
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Welcome back!
2:12 PM
/afk shoppping
@ShadowWizard Cya later
2:27 PM
@ShadowWizard boo
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Shadow Wizard is away: shoppping
1 hour later…
3:35 PM
~ Goodbye, Shadow Wizard!
4:05 PM
~ Goodbye, Starship!
1 hour later…
5:06 PM
~ Hello, Shadow Wizard!
5:49 PM
@ShadowWizard ah, this is useful Oak command. It allows to delete bot messages :)
@Глeб Shadow Wizard is away: shoppping
shoppping? Good.
@Глeб Cya later
6:17 PM
in Sandbox, 4 mins ago, by OakBot
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Thou expecteth something of me, mayhap? I care not.
in Sandbox, 24 secs ago, by OakBot
@PetəíŕdtheWizard Thy jest be lost upon me. Seek amusement elsewhere; I shan't indulge thee.
2 hours later…
8:47 PM
@Глeб yeah, FOX have it.
@ShadowWizard Глeб is away: YES, I'm still afk. Damn you, afk!

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