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Q: Could be that the dates and timeline of 4 yugas got changed when puranas were passed down orally?

AnishaThe durations for yugas are way too large. Can it be that puranas witnessed contamination or corruption from people who weren't able to calculate the yugas correctly? Or were they exaggerated by later scribes? What are the different timelines for yugas that different scriptures give?

Yes, that's exactly what happened. Read this answer and also read book "The Holy Science" by Sri Yukteswar Giri.
@ChinmaySarupria i don't think we are in dwapara yuga, given the huge increase in population, mleccha religions, materialism and atheism. Etc
Just look at the Mughal rule, that was Kali Yuga, conditions were the worst you could ever imagine, people were slaves of Mughals in those days, now compare that time with today and you will realize that this is not Kali Yuga. The dark times of Kali Yuga is gone for good.
@ChinmaySarupria its clearly kali yuga but the dating of 4,32,000 years is too long.
Yuga span is mentioned in Manu Smriti. Satya Yuga lasts 4800 years, Treta 3600 years, Dwapara 2400 years and Kali 1200 years.
@ChinmaySarupria those are deva years.
@Anisha they have multiplied it with 360 to arrive at 432000 years. 1 year for us = 1 day/night for devas. So they did it. Also in Brahma samhita Krishna says to mother Ganga, after 5000 years of sins, next 10,000 years his devotees will light up the planet. Once the planet is devoid of devotees, kali will torment this world.
@AkshayKumarS so 5000 years have passed, is this a foretelling of isckon?
5000 years have passed since Krishna left this planet @Anisha
@AkshayKumarS you said after "5000 years of sin, next 10000 will be of devotees" so 10000 from now right?
Those deva years are not mentioned anywhere, some people on their own multiplied the figures given in Manu Smriti by 360.
Yes. @Anisha. For that already signals have emerged in world that we are starting to transform. Knowledge of God is gradually getting awaken more than anytime. Second, people have awakened to the fact behind current materialism (don't want to detail it here). And third, people started to search for existence beyond the current machinery life more than ever before. Signals have emerged. Natural disasters increased after 2015, meaning the Universe is cleansing the accumulation of negatives in this atmosphere. Everything going as per Lord's will correctly.
@ChinmaySarupria they are mentioned as deva years.
Except that they are not, I have seen the sanskrit verse in Manu Smriti, you can see it as well, deva years is not mentioned.
Possible duplicate of What is the duration (Timeline) of the four "Yugas"?. BTW, Title of your question 'sounds' opinion based. Different interpretations are existing regarding the number as seen the dupe.
Why do you think the duration for the yugas are too large?
@ChinmaySarupria Medhatithi, an ancient Manusmriti commentator, says that "years" should be taken as "deva years": "The ‘years’ here spoken of are taken as the years of the Gods; as it is this that has been mentioned last. Says the Author of the Purāṇas—‘O Brāhmaṇas, all this has been described by the divine measure: the measure of the Time-Cycles has been described by the divine measure.’—‘Four thousand’ such ‘years’ of the Gods constitute the Time-Cycle known as ‘Kṛta’:" -…
@Ikshvaku No, we shouldn't assume things on our own when scriptures don't mention it. Manu Smriti is very clear on this matter, it has not mentioned deva years so we shouldn't assume it either.
@ChinmaySarupria We are not assuming anything, the scriptures do say it as deva years. The reason it means Deva years is because the other Puranas, such as Bhagavata Purana and Vishnu purana, say that Krita yuga is 4000 years, Treta is 3000, etc. The Manusmriti simply says years without any qualification, but the other Puranas clarify that it means Deva years.
@ChinmaySarupria Here is what the Bhagavatam says: And this verse of the Manusmriti says that it is 12,000 years of the gods (devanam):… There is no such thing as ascending or descending yugas.
@Ikshvaku The same Puranas also say that human life was too long and changes as per yugas, such a claim is not supported by Vedas itself. Yajur Veda mentions human life as 100 years, Sita says the same thing in Ramayana.
@ChinmaySarupria The Vedas do not say that human life is maximum 100 years. In fact, there are yajnas in the Vedas that last for thousands of years; these were meant to be for people in previous yugas. By the way, the Ramayana also says Dasharatha lived for 60,000 years, Rama for like 12,000 etc. Many scriptures say people lived for thousands of years.
@Ikshvaku That is a wrong translation of Manu Smriti, here is the correct one:
@ChinmaySarupria Your picture you linked also mentions "Daiva Yugas", which is indeed the correct translation. "Devanam yugamucyate". So it means Deva yugas and years.
@Ikshvaku Yeah some people can live for thousands of years, they are yogis who live long by the grace of God, there is no doubt about it. But not everyone and not certainly Rama and Dashratha. Those figures are inflated which can be easily proved. Why was Rama given exile of 14 years if he ruled for 10000 years? 14 years is nothing compared to 12000 year life span. Also, if he lived for 12000 years, the different stages of his life also should be elongated like his babyhood lasting 1000 years, as far as I remember reading somewhere that Rama was married when he was less then 30 years old...1/2
@Ikshvaku That doesn't make sense as Rama was a baby for centuries, how can he get married as a baby, you can't also say that only his adulthood was long but other stages were similar to a 100 year lifespan human. Divide his 10000 year ruling period by 360 and you will arrive at the figure of 28 which makes absolutely perfect sense, a human worth a life span of 100 years and definitely rule for 28 years and 14 years also then make sense...2/2
@Ikshvaku The translation to that verse is already given by Sri Yukteswar and you can read it in the image file I linked.
@ChinmaySarupria Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu, of course he can live long. I'm not sure how exactly the aging process worked, but I'm guessing that they aged quickly until adulthood, and slowed down their aging process after that. A 14 year exile still feels like a 14 year exile. Time didn't go faster for them.
@ChinmaySarupria I read your picture. Sri Yukteshwar is not translating it differently from the Manusmriti, he is also translating "devanam yugamucyate" as Daiva years as well.
@ChinmaySarupria Rama was not a baby for centuries, it is completely possible for him to be an adult for thousands of years. For example, some animals are babies for only a few days, and then stay as adults for several years. So a human in a various yuga can be a baby for a few years, and then an adult for several thousand years.

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