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@SPArcheon interesting
@SPArcheon I think it varies, but yeah
@SPArcheon hehe, horrible
@SPArcheon heh
@SPArcheon obviously...
I'd love to know what that guy has in his head
@SPArcheon good point
@SPArcheon naaah
Good lesson in DRM
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні yea... that is the reason why even if I will ever open a Chruncyroll account (that site is a big hacking target and has no 2fA despite people constant demands) I would still try to buy physical versions of series I really care about.
games.... same thing. Digital is only when there is no other way.
Or drm-free, like much of GOG.
@SPArcheon just hack someone's account then :'D
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні at that point it is physical because you are making your own support device. You can put the file on a disk.
Sure, but then s/digital/not cloud/
I've suggested someone to play Fuga: Melodies of Steel.
1 hour later…
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні ? Sorry, I don't get what you are referring to.
I love how some consider these "secret" voice lines.
Would be more appropriate to call them "lines you can hear if you talk with the character after a cutscene instead of leaving immediately"
even better - there are REALLY obscure secret voicelines sometime.
2 hours later…
@SPArcheon hmm, yeah, that's better
Plus it's a fountain, in Fontaine. Very sus.

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