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room topic changed to Kirin Village Outskirts : (no tags)
@Derpy lol first Google result for this is Kirin Beer Yokohama Factory. Pretty sure that's not what you meant? :)
@SweetieBot can I have a beer, please?
@Shadow search for Sounds of Silence. Then listen to the episode song and you will understand.
@Shadow Fun fact: Kirin is probably the most notorious Japanese beer brand.
But Kirins (or qilin ) are originally born in Chinese mythology
@Shadow did you by chance listen to the song?
Not yet
@Shadow go ahead, I promise it won't turn you into a pony.
It might do that to co-workers. ;)
2 hours later…
@Derpy Another title change.
@b_jonas yep, but this one is MLP related.
S08E23, to be precise
so... seems we are getting close to the next escalation of the conflict, @Shadow.
@Derpy how so?
@Shadow You didn't read Monica journal recently?
I suggest you do.
ATM what I know is that SE ignores all her attempts to contact.
Did it change?
@Shadow here
I think what comes next should be clear.
I fear time is up now
start preparing for the next storm
@Derpy Monica's court case?
@Shadow aka a lot more ranting, pain and chaos that could have been avoided.
Well..... those who are pissed off will just be more pissed off. It won't cause those on the fence (like me) to jump down and take sides, IMO.
@Shadow maybe... but you forgot that it would also mean that the "small issue" would get a lot of more visibility.
@Derpy it was never small, but yeah, I see what you mean.
@Shadow yep, that is why I put that under quotes. In my language, they aren't just used for verbatim quote, but also for expressing euphemisms.
I keep forgetting that subtlety is not very common in English
@Shadow That said, yep, I guess you can easily see that. So far, it is not like there are many sites that really defend the Monica side of the story.
If it gets to the court... I can foresee that change.

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