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@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні this one too.
found these.
should be this artist? x.com/aiueohayo_pe
very cute art
1 hour later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike what's with the bug?
she can grab any plant from far away with the skill
And Onikabuto specifically for some reason.
doesn't work on butterflies, lizards, frogs or anything else.
Hence the meme...
> Onikabuto is actually not a bug like many people tend to believe. They are fruit from the Onikabuto trees. That’s why they never move unlike the scarab. The environment of Inazuma gave birth to many strange things.
It may also work on Dionas, at least based on this art
@SPArcheon-onstrike aaah
@SPArcheon-onstrike but it flew away in the doodle! I want my money back.
2 hours later…
somehow cruel insider joke.
2 hours later…
being watching that comic bjonas suggested.
Somehow... messy narrative.
Seems pretty confusing.
I get this is an online comic with a single page released any time but...
We got the boy mom trying to get the protagonist girl into school with a recommendation letter, getting shut down because the school don't believe the claims the girl is a genius and then nothing (given her position it should have been quite easy to demonstrate her claims).
Then we have the two kids relationship that seems fast forwarded to desperate point in order to build up something very fast - which only adds to the felling that the boy is going to die very soon as a plot device to motivate the girl.
The comic has potential to be kinda cute but feels very rushed.
One page the kids meets, next page they talk like a couple, then Scarlet tries to use a (probably precious) statue she found to bribe a municipal employee into getting them MARRIED... and when they obliviously send them off.. the statue just disappears from the plot (despite them trying to find some source of money just a little later)
Now apparently a big famine is coming and... the girl&the fox are probably going to be better prepared than the boy family (because they refused to believe the girl when she said something bad was coming)
Want to bet that in the resulting mess the boy dies?
... the one with the racoon seems quite better...

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