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@Peilonrayz Have you read the full chain of messages on that?
:6677621 My rants are more about the "we will claim that digital only is better because it reduces production costs, yet we will sell you the game at the same price of a boxed disk set. You won't be able to sell it after you played should you want to do so and we reserve the liberty to shut down our store at any time, preventing you from downloading any game you bought a 'license' for.
If that is not vexing enough for you, expect our games to never drop in price outside timed FOMO sales event, so the same game that now is sold at half the price on Amazon after 6 months will still be full pr
6 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike I know it’s not what I’m supposed to be paying attention to, but Gawr Gura? +1. I also don’t understand the game.
But gawr gura is still +1
@DaemonsMercy for reason unknown the water subregion in Natlan has a small girl as the local chief.
Said girl happens to look like this.
and... this is after a late minute change just before the Natlan update go live that gave more melanin to a lot of Natlan NPC.
Before she looked like this apparently.
@SPArcheon-onstrike "tribal gawr gura shark girl"
@DaemonsMercy there was an ongoing petition to turn her into a playable character
@SPArcheon-onstrike Of course, anything else is heresy. Just copy/paste the model. Beautiful.
(assuming gura is on-board)
@SPArcheon-onstrike No, now I have and understand. Thanks
4 hours later…
@SPArcheon-onstrike yes, I'm not a fan

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