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Q: Stack Exchange’s image hosting arrangement with Imgur is ending - advance notice

SlateSince 2010, Imgur has provided image hosting services to Stack Exchange, but that hosting contract with Imgur comes to an end this upcoming April 2024. This April will conclude a 13-year-long successful relationship between Imgur and Stack, for which the whole company has been deeply grateful. Ho...

@b_jonas whoaaah, thanks
@AndrasDeak--СлаваУкраїні Funny thing to ask, it is close to zero.
And there are even rumors claiming that he specifically requested that the live action does not add any form of "romance"
alas, it is not like most of the "shipping" comes from actual plot in anime series.
most are fever dreams made up by fans.
As for One Piece, sometime it looks like some characters have some very obvious potential interest but that is all
Take Sanji for example.
there is an entire story arc about an arranged marriage between him and one of the (too many) daughter of Big Mom.
Technically the marriage was a trick, the plan was to kill him so to get an hold of his family military forces (you discover he is one of the son of the ruler of a military nation)
Then the girl actually starts to fell something for him because he is the first to treat her decently (she has three eyes, long story, she was treated as a monster by her own family all her life).
You discover that she also cook - she is a chocolatier to be precise.
You will agree that this seems like a perfect set up for "they married, opened a pastry and lived haply ever after" ending
Zoro is a similar case.
All his background hinges on a promise he made to a girl when they were young
The girl is said to have died soon after.
Her father tells Zoro that she had an incident and fell down some stair
Yep: death by stair. In a shonnen manga where people get tossed against a mountain and survive.
(now you know what people are joking about if you see someone calling "Down D. Stair" as the greatest foe in One Piece)
There is a problem tough...
Later we get a navi member called Tashigi who looks like an adult version of the dead girl. Even Zoro notices this (and is therefore VERY nervous around her)
She seems to share the same ideas to ("males are stronger" - something that makes Zoro even more nervous)
Obviously... Oda always said they are not the same person.
Considering all the horrible thing the government did and all the cases of younger people used as guinea pigs (see all the Punk Hazard arc for example) it would not be unrealistic for her to be the same girl without any memory from before (and his dad could have just lied.. I mean.. makes sense. Telling a 8 years old Zoro "the navy took her away" would have been the best way to get him killed trying to rescue her)
Even if you assume Oda being honest there is the possibility of a "twin sister out of nowhere".
Alas, you should get the point. This too seems like another perfect match.
Then you know, there is also the "360° turnaround because spite the fans " too
theorizing about One Piece is wasted time.
Eneru left for the Moon
And found something there
Pedro talks about the "New Dawn"
he sacrifices while telling "someone" to see the "new dawn" with Luffy and the others.
Luffy awakens Gear 5...
the explosion of power tears the cloud aside and reveals the moon.
multiple references to the Moon as the envoy of Dawn in the night....
Zunesha knowing "Joy Boy" (aka the one Gear 5 is based on).... Zunesha is a giant elephant... Carrot and the others live on top....
The Moon rabbit or Moon hare is a mythical figure in East Asian and indigenous American folklore, based on pareidolic interpretations that identify the dark markings on the near side of the Moon as a rabbit or hare. In East Asia, the rabbit is seen as pounding with a mortar and pestle, but the contents of the mortar differ among Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese folklore. In Chinese folklore, the rabbit is often portrayed as a companion of the Moon goddess Chang'e, constantly pounding the elixir of life for her and some show the making of cakes or rice cakes; but in Japanese and Korean...
you know... one would hope that a certain very specific adorkable character had something more to do in the plot... like joining a certain crew...
5 hours later…

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