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In addition to my Stack Data Explorer Query to find likely high quality Questions that potentially deserve upvotes, as posted here: https://3dprinting.meta.stackexchange.com/a/590/36802.

I also made another base query which could help identify likely low quality posts, that don't necessarily need voting down but could use an edit. For those interested, run (or edit) this query, it takes about 1-2 minutes to rerun the query: https://data.stackexchange.com/3dprinting/revision/1807488/2194940/find-questions-that-likely-need-improvement
And one query for potentially high risk questions: data.stackexchange.com/3dprinting/revision/1807493/2194945/…
3 hours later…
@BobOrtiz Nice script. +1 I never would have thought of tackling this with SQL. But, let us keep the old questions what they are, unleess they pop up as a result of the Community Bot.

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