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11:41 PM
@whatsisname Making decisions based on what humans would prefer is just not sane. Too simplistic of an arrogant attitude thinking we humans are smarter than...nature? Gosh, we have made the simplest of errors and regretted our actions badly, do we need to keep making errors? Making real problems where we humans feel pesticide bandaid works? If people are ignorant enough to leave water sitting in tubs, barrels, wheel barrows, there will be mosquitoes.
@PaulStenne Sometimes the better answer is learning to live without pesticides or worrying about control. Forget eradication. I have taught this stuff all my life and I know that the OP RARELY knows what question to ask. This is not 'mechanics' or 'home improvement'...this is the real thing. Interfacing with nature. I teach first then listen to a more enlightened question. Humans are gonna keep messing up whenever they try to dominate, control anything. Praise of insects is our JOB.

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