2 hours later…
@CodesInChaos I revised that tag since it was merely used by a handful of questions, of which none of them specifically handled the SHA3 competition, but rather the algorithms that were proposed during that competition. Tagging the few questions accordingly made more sense to me than keeping a tag that will not be used anymore in the future since the competition is over. It may well be that I missed adding an additional tag like skein here or there, but that can be fixed easily.
@CodesInChaos On the other hand: I’m not saying my opinion is the most correct one. So… if you disagree with an edit of mine, please feel free to enhance or revert it.
My motivation was merely to enhance the tag-usage as an “SHA3-competition” tag which is bound to be abandoned and was merely used by x<10 questions quickly loses its value. Especially, when they can be replaced with more specific tags (just like it happened with that “security-analysis” tag during the past few months).
@CodesInChaos Looked at it again and came to the conclusion you have a point there. Especially, since that tag has found its way into several tag-descriptions (skein, kekkac, etc.) So, I went through my activity thread and rolled back my tag-edits accordingly. Turns out, there were merely 3 questions I tag-edited in relation to that, making it x<4… but that’s not relevant anymore, is it? ;) Thanks for giving me a heads-up. Appreciate it.
@CodesInChaos Oh, that’s obsolete so I killed it accordingly. After I posted that meta-question, I noticed the system does know about synonyms with and without dashes; it just doesn’t show them on our tag-page accordingly… which is a bit weird since it does show “sha-3” and “sha3” but hides the “sha2” and “sha-1” synonyms for example. (I guess a screenshot explains so much more than words.)
5 hours later…
I wouldn't tag crypto.stackexchange.com/posts/15813/revisions with sha-3-competition since it's just talking about Skein and not the competition itself.
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